Describe the kinds of advocacy activities engages

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Reference no: EM133571959

Social Work Assignment

Identify 2 organizations and/or coalitions that promote (Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act) policy change within the area of interest. One should operate at the state level and one at the national level. For each one, the following is what to do:

1. Summarize its background, scope, and membership; briefly describe how it is organized, how its advocacy mission is staffed, and how the organization is funded;

2. Describe the kinds of advocacy activities it engages in, including how it uses social media to engage others and any recent victories it claims;

3. Identify other organizations and legislators with whom they collaborate with;

4. Describe its advocacy agenda for the current year, making note of any specific initiatives that is find especially intriguing or exciting;

5. Detail the various ways in which one could become involved.

Reference no: EM133571959

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