Describe the key responsibilities of the job role

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133179706

BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

Assessment Task: Personal Development Plan

This task consists offive parts:
• In Part A, you will be planning personal work goals.
• In Part B, you will be assessing your skills and knowledge against competency standards to determine development requirements.
• In Part C, you will be seeking feedback from others to identify, evaluate and select suitable development opportunities.
• In Part D, you will be developing a personal development plan and summarising a policy.
• In Part E, you will participate in the professional development opportunity identified above.


Based on the email and its attachments, you are to complete the following tasks:
1. Review the CBSA resources on Moodle and position description attached to the email. Consider what your work goals for 12 months would be if you were in that position. One of the work goals should be in relation to your own professional development, and all goals must be SMART goals.
2. Prepare a professional, error-free brief report of approximately one page covering the following topics:
a) an overview of CBSA, including the purpose of the business, where it is located and their website address
b) an overview of the company's goals or objectives
c) an overview of the position description for the job role you are role-playing. Describe the key responsibilities of the job role
d) an outline of the five work goals that you have identified for this job position, including why these goals are relevant to the job role and the CBSA's strategic goals/plans. Explain why these are suitable goals for a 12-month period.


Based on the email and its attachment, complete the following tasks:
1. Identify two Units of Competency from the Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management to assess your skills and knowledge against.
2. Complete the self-assessment of the two units using the self-assessment template provided in the email attachment.

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

What does your current job role involve?
What skills and knowledge do you consider are most important to a manager?
What skills and knowledge might be important to acquire based on industry trends?
Which professional development activity have you participated in recently/would like to participate in soon?
How was this/would this be beneficial to you?
Would you recommend this professional development activity to others? Why or why not?
Is there any professional development you think is critical for a manager in your field?

Based on the email and its attachment, complete the following tasks:
1. Complete professional competence research
a) Interview at least three fellow students who will be role-playing managers at CBSA. Use the interview response form (attached in the email) to document their responses.
• Ask them to identify the skills and knowledge that they consider most important for a manager to develop.
• In addition, ask them to discuss one example of a professional development activity they have undertaken (or want to undertake) and how this was/will be beneficial to them. Ask them whether they would recommend this activity to you as part of your development.
• Discuss your ranking in your self-assessment and ask for suggestions for any additional professional development activities you could complete to develop your competence.
2. Networking Review
a) Identify and describe at least three formal networks that a manager in the sales and marketing field could participate in.
b) For the three formal networks identify:
• Organisation name and contact details including telephone and email
• The services offered by the networking organisation
• The costs involved in joining the networking organisation
• The benefits you believe joining the network brings to you
• Any other relevant information
• Details of an upcoming event provided by the organisation that you are interested in and why you are interested in the event
3. Research potential professional development activities that you could complete that would help you develop your competence in the units that you have self-assessed. Note the details of the activities.
4. Prepare a word document with the outcomes of your research, your network review and a list of at least four potential development activities. Send the document and the interview responses in an email that includes an introduction and a brief summary of the interview responses. The email must:
• Use the Email Template
• Specify who the email is being delivered to
• Specify who the email is being sent from
• Specify the date and time the email was sent
• Specify a relevant subject for the email
• Specify the Interview forms and your research notes as the attachment
• Specify the body of the email detailing why they are sending this email. You must include an introduction and a brief summary of the interview responses
• Specify the job position they are role-playing in the email footer

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

CBSA is committed to providing a supportive and rewarding environment for employees and recognises that the quality, responsiveness and professionalism of its workforce is inextricably linked to the company's achievement of its strategic goals.
The purpose of the Professional Development Policy is to encourage and support employees to actively pursue their personal and professional development. CBSA acknowledges that continuing professional development contributes to personal job satisfaction, workplace productivity, reward and recognition.

1. Identifying development needs
1.1. A staff member's learning and development needs are primarily identified through the performance cycle and are captured in the staff member's Personal Development Plan.
1.2. Learning and development needs can relate to technical or behavioural capabilities required for the staff member's current role or future career ambitions. Behavioural capabilities are defined in the Behavioural Capability Framework. For further information refer to the Behavioural Capability Framework guideline.
1.3. Where learning and development needs and opportunities have not been identified and agreed to in the staff member's current personal development plan, staff will generally not be given approval in that financial or calendar year.

1. Professional Development
1.1. Each department's manager has the primary responsibility for the provision of professional development programs and activities for employees within the department including the manager's own. The Human Resources department provides advice and support for professional development.
1.2. Staff requesting professional development must complete the Staff Application Form and have it approved by the relevant manager, outlined in this policy and the application form.
1.3. Send the completed and approved application to their manager for final approval and budget allocation. Managers must submit it to the Managing Director.
1.4. The Human Resources department will provide a Staff Study Agreement for you to sign, where relevant, at which point you may register or enrol for your professional development opportunity.
1.5. The Human Resources department will not approve any study or professional development activities that staff have already commenced without prior permission.
1.6. Human Resources are not responsible for enrolling staff into their activities, paying directly for activities, booking travel and accommodation and will not reimburse staff for any associated costs such as meals, travel, accommodation, equipment and resources, stationery, etc.
1.7. Study leave and exam leave is to be approved by the Managing Director. Please read the award for allocations. Staff enrolled in Higher Education programs are eligible to apply for study leave and exam leave.
1.8. Staff are responsible for providing evidence of completion to the Human Resources department in the way of a Statement of Attainment, Completion Certificate, etc.
2. Financial Support
2.1. Internal professional development programs will be informed by the company's strategic goals and priorities. Internal providers are funded solely by the company, and as a general principle, managers are not required to fund internal professional development programs other than to provide work time for employees to attend programs or to subsidise costs such as an external consultant, catering or printing. Managers are responsible for approving attendance at internal professional development programs.
2.2. Where Human Resources requests the Training department to develop and deliver a specific development program, the costs of development and delivery are to be met from the requesting department's budget with costs agreed to as part of the planning process. The Managing Director is responsible for approving the costs and attendance.
2.3. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) costs will be met by each department's budget upon approval of activities on an annual basis. The Managing Director is responsible for approving attendance at CPD programs.
2.4. Staff enrolled into Higher Education programs must read and adhere to the procedure in the Staff Agreement. The Managing Director is responsible for approving attendance in HE programs.
2.5. Traineeships and other AQF level (Cert II, III, IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) qualification costs will be met by each department upon approval. The department's manager is responsible for approving attendance of these programs.
2.6. Short courses, seminars and conferences costs will be met by the individual department's budgets. Department managers are responsible for approving attendance for short courses, seminars and conferences.


Based on the email and its attachments, complete the following tasks:
1. Personal Development Plan.
You are required to develop a professional development plan. Your assessor will provide you with a template for completion. You must complete all sections of the template:
• your personal and professional goals for the next 12 months and five years
• your perceived strengths in your skills and knowledge, as well as areas that you would like to improve or gaps you would like to fill e.g. as identified through your self-assessment, interviews or in response to new industry trends
• four professional development activities based on areas for improvements and/or gaps you have identified. The activities may be a combination of long-term and short-term goals and may also include the networks that you have identified:
» One of the activities you identify must be able to be completed prior to the completion of this unit of study through one of your identified networks as you will need to participate and report on this professional development activity for Assessment Task 4. You must choose an activity that involves interaction with others. You should choose an activity that you can easily participate in such as attending a free networking event or seminar, a live webinar, or participating in a discussion on a professional blog or in LinkedIn.
» At least one of the professional development activities you identify should be in response to the feedback provided in part B of this assessment.
» For each activity provide the reason(s) why you have identified this as a priority and by when you would like to address the priority. Include an explanation about how each suits your learning style.
2. Read the attached Professional Development Policy and provide a brief overview of how one of your planned activities fits with the policy. For example: who will cover the cost, who will approve the activity, how much financial support will be provided and what are your next steps?
3. Submit the Personal Development Plan and your policy brief in an email to Gavin Stead with an introduction on how you can serve as a role model in a workplace through work planning. The email must:
• use the Email Template
• specify who the email is being delivered to
• specify who the email is being sent from
• specify the date and time the email was sent
• specify a relevant subject for the email
• specify your Professional Development Plan as the attachment
• specify the body of the email detailing why they are sending this email. You must include a brief overview of how one of your planned activities fits with the policy
• specify the job position they are role-playing in the email footer


Based on the email and its attachments, complete the following tasks:
1. This assessment task requires you to participate in and report on a professional development activity that you identified in your personal development plan.
2. When you have participated in the professional development activity, you will need to complete the professional development report template provided as an attachment in the email. You will need to complete all sections of the report. You should answer each question in a paragraph or two.


Reference no: EM133179706

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