Describe the key events and experiences in our team

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Reference no: EM133569430

In this reflection, I will analyze our team's performance during Assessment 2A, a group project, using Gibbs' Reflective Cycle. I will also draw on relevant teamwork theories to explain our teamwork dynamics and their impact on the project's development. Throughout this reflection, I will refer to my own contributions to Assessment 2A and how they aligned with the team's goals.

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

Question 1. Description (What happened?):

  • Describe the key events and experiences in our team during the Assessment 2A project.
  • Share my initial expectations of teamwork based on my previous experiences and the Teamwork Expectations Questionnaire.

Question 2. Feelings (What were you thinking and feeling?):

  • Reflect on my emotional responses and reactions during the teamwork.
  • Compare my initial expectations to the actual experience and consider the impact of any disparities.

Question 3. Evaluation (What was good or bad about the experience?):

  • Analyze the effectiveness of my contributions to Assessment 2A.
  • Evaluate the team's performance using relevant teamwork theories and models.
  • Consider what aspects of teamwork I liked the most and what I found challenging.

Question 4. Analysis (What sense can you make of the situation?):

  • Provide an in-depth analysis of the team's performance, drawing on teamwork theories and models.
  • Explain how our teamwork dynamics influenced the development of Assessment 2A.

Question 5. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the key insights and learnings from the reflection.
  • Discuss the practical implications for my personal and professional growth.
  • Share the lessons and experiences that I will carry forward for my next group assignment and what changes I would make to my performance.

Reference no: EM133569430

Questions Cloud

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How would the situation be handled differently : What are some techniques for developing students' skills for respecting other points of view? How would situation be handled differently if Han was 7 years old?
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Lean management principles : Give an introduction or brief synopsis of a local business/ organization that utilizes Lean Management Principles.
Describe the key events and experiences in our team : Describe the key events and experiences in our team during the Assessment 2A project. Share my initial expectations of teamwork based on my previous experiences
How does attachment theory help you in your work in schools : Give an example of how one asset might look depending on the child's age and background. How does attachment theory help you in your work in schools?
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Discuss four transportation risks of the arrangement between : Discuss four transportation risks of the arrangement between BEL and GGC, and how they can be mitigated through the use of Incoterms.


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