Describe the key elements for effective documentation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131014047

Assessment - Short answer questions

Read the instructions below and answer the questions for this part of assessment. After completing this part of the assessment, upload your answer via your student portal for the trainer/assessor for evaluation. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess your answer. Check your student portal in regards to the outcome of your assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor.


1. Describe at least six types of user and technical documentation that you are likely to come across in an ICT environment.

2. Describe the process that you would use to review current versions of technical and user documentation.

3. List at least five system types that you would expect to see documentation for.

4. Describe the process that you would use to compare the accuracy of technical and user documentation with current system functionality.

5. Briefly describe the communication principles that you will need to employ to ask effective questions.

6. Briefly describe the communication principles that you will need to employ to conduct an interview.

7. Briefly describe each of the following information gathering methodologies. Include a summary of:

- The strengths and weaknesses of each and the type of information that it is most useful for gathering
- Any associated risks and key principles of using the methodology.

a. Focus group

b. Interview

c. On-site visit/observation

d. Questionnaire/survey

e. Research

8. Describe the process that you would use to document inaccuracies in documentation.

9. Describe the key elements for effective documentation.

10. Describe the process that you would use to develop a system procedure from scratch.

11. List the typical people/positions in an organisation who may review and approve operating procedures.

12. Describe the process that you would use to update an existing document.

13. List the potential channels for the publication and distribution of a technical document. Describe the circumstances when each channel would be most appropriate.

14. Describe the process that you would use to distribute technical and user documentation.

After completing all parts of the assessment for this unit of competency, make sure you upload all your answers via your student portal to your trainer/assessor for evaluation. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess all your answers. Check your student portal in regards to the final outcome of your assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor.

Establish and maintain client user liaison

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain client user liaison in an information communications technology (ICT) environment, post support implementation. This occurs after the business critical functions have been determined.

Assessment is a process where the knowledge and skills that you have gained is collected and compared against Information and Communications Technology Training Package competencies. An assessment is then made as to whether or not you are ‘competent'. It is important that each person trained in information and communications technology is able to demonstrate competency and this tool will help you do so.

What does it mean to be competent?

Being competent means that you:
- Know how to perform your job in a way which is consistent with industry standards and expectations
- Are able to manage a range of different tasks at any one time
- Are able to apply problem solving skills
- Can source, understand and apply relevant legislation and organisational policy and procedures
- Can work effectively with others
- Can work safely.

In most cases your assessment will comprise more than one element of assessment in order to fully evaluate your competence. If you are unsure about the assessment process or would like more information about competence, please speak to your trainer or assessor.

1. Determine support areas 1.1 Identify and record information communications technology used in the organisational unit

1.2 Identify stakeholders of the system

1.3 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics related to support requirements

1.4 Determine the level of support is required by each organisational unit

2. Develop support procedures 2.1 Contact organisational units as required to verify support needs

2.2 Establish procedures for providing required support, including method of contact, frequency of meetings and reporting

2.3 Document agreed procedures or service level agreement (SLA)

3. Assign support personnel 3.1 Identify ICT skills required to assist each organisational unit with support activities

3.2 Assign personnel according to human resource processes

3.3 Verify availability of selected personnel

3.4 Provide support using agreed procedures

3.5 Obtain feedback from appropriate persons on a regular basis

Completing the assessment tasks

You will find specific advice at the start of each assessment which will guide you in how to complete the tasks. Make sure that you take the time to read this advice and to clarify the requirements of the task with your trainer or assessor if you are unsure.

General tips

- Always make sure that you are clear about what is expected of you and talk to your trainer or assessor if you have questions.

- It is natural to be nervous when being assessed and, for many people, this is particularly true when being observed. Keep in mind that there is no need to be nervous, your assessor is there to help you demonstrate your skills and to guide you through the assessment process successfully.

- If you have special needs which you should be considered in the context of assessment, please speak to your trainer or assessor.

- In order to complete this assessment and many of the assessments throughout this course, you will need to work with a case study business.

Assessment 2 - Project task

Read the instructions below and complete this part of the assessment. You need to submit your answer to your trainer for assessment via your student portal. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess your answer. Return to your student portal to review the outcome of this assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor. In case you are required to undertake a Practical task for this unit of competency, it might need to be completed in the classroom on a day allocated to you by your trainer. Please see the Practical Assessment sheet for more information and instructions. Your trainer/assessor will observe you during the practical assessment and inform you about the outcome upon completion of this task.


For this project you will develop user instructions for two different software functions. You will also develop user instructions for the installation of a peripheral. Throughout this task, provide opportunities for your assessor to observe your work. Complete the following tasks:

1. Select a function from two different software packages and develop first draft user instructions for each.

2. Develop a tool for testing and gathering feedback.

3. Ask two of your classmates to test your documentation and provide feedback using the tool developed in task 2.

4. Analyse and document the feedback.

5. Incorporate the feedback.

6. Prepare a final draft of the document and submit it to your assessor for review.

7. Incorporate any feedback.

8. Develop a document distribution strategy.

9. Prepare a final version.

10. Distribute the final documents to your assessor using the distribution strategy which you developed in Task 8

11. Repeat tasks 1-10 for the installation of a hardware peripheral of your choice.

Reference no: EM131014047

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