Describe the key components of a computerized office

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13856815


After completing this project, you should be able to:

? Describe the key components of a computerized office.
? Explain the primary software fundamentals and describe a variety of productivity applications.
? Describe database application needs and how to detail privacy and ethics concerns.
? Identify networking and telecommunication fundamentals.
? Discuss how Internet service providers (ISPs) sell offerings.
? Discuss various types of e-mail offerings available from ISPs.


The Computer Fundamentals Project provides you with a chance to apply what you have learned about computer fundamentals to a real-life scenario in which you automate a medical office by replacing the old existing technology with all new computer technology and equipment given a budget of $100,000.

Here's the scenario . . .

You have been hired by Nutritional Associates of New Jersey as a computer consultant. Your primary objective is to automate the medical practice. Nutritional Associates is a 400-patient medical practice specializing in nutrition and nutritional-related device rentals and sales. The practice has fallen way behind the technology curve, the victim of shortsighted decisions, lack of vision, and budget constraints.

The office currently runs on twelve-year-old PCs; the five station office is old and seldom used, with no new software. Only a few staff members are skilled or excited about technology. Your task is to build an automation plan and budget. You are given $100,000 with which to work.

Prepare a budget and automation plan to submit as a report, as if you were submitting a proposal to Nutritional Associates of New Jersey as a computer consultant. Your report should cover and include each of the eleven steps specified below.

Step 1: Desktop Computer Quoting

Use the Web to window-shop for a desktop computer. Try to determine how the choice of CPU and memory affect price and performance. You need to provide three options, with one option being an Apple Macintosh computer. In this step you must include price points for each scenario. The following quantities are required:

1. Five computers-office staff

2. Two computers-Doctor 1 and Doctor 2

3. Three computers-patient waiting room

Step 2: Printer Quoting

Continue to use the Web to shop for office printers. Try to determine how the printer choice (laser and inkjet) will impact price and performance. You need to provide three options: laser printer, inkjet printer, and multifunction printer. In this step you must include price points for each scenario.

The following quantities are required:

1. One printer-office staff

2. Two printers-Doctor 1 and Doctor 2

3. One printer-patient waiting room

4. Four printers-exam/consult rooms

Step 3: Tablet Device Quoting

In the next fundamental shopping scenario for computing devices, you must research tablets. Shop for a tablet that the medical practice can successfully implement. Try to determine how the choice of tablet will increase productivity within Nutritional Associates of New Jersey. You need to provide three options, with one option being an iPad, one option being a Windows tablet, and one option being an Android tablet.

In this step you must include price points for each scenario. Four tablets are required in all for the exam/ consult rooms.

Step 4: Scanner Quoting

Continue to use the Web to research computer scanners. Try to determine how the choice (personal or business class) will impact price and performance. You need to purchase enough scanners to cover the following number of computers.

1. Five computers-office staff
2. Two computers-Doctor 1 and Doctor 2

Step 5: Security Software Quoting

Once again, continue to use the Web to research and shop for security suite applications. Try to determine how the choice (free, included in operating system, or fee based) will impact price and performance. You need to purchase enough copies of the security suite application to cover the following quantity of computers to fulfill all software license requirements.

1. Five computers-office staff
2. Two computers-Doctor 1 and Doctor 2
3. One computer-patient waiting room

Step 6: Business Site Quoting

Take an inventory of PC and Web applications available on the Web related to office management and the medical field, especially nutrition. Describe the major uses of several of these applications and how they can be included in your proposal.

Step 7: ISP and E-mail Quoting

Use the Web to provide three Internet Service Provider (ISP) options. Examples are Verizon, Cablevision, and so on. Also, provide quotes for e-mail. (Hint: E-mail is generally included in the ISP pricing. You might just need to increase quantities. Also, don't be concerned about Internet speeds. Expand your pricing out to one full year. Most ISPs will show monthly fees.) Explain your findings.

1. One Internet connection

2. Seven e-mail accounts for two doctors and five office staff

Step 8: Wireless Router Quoting

Your next task is to determine what is needed to make the office wireless. All computers will have Internet access via a shared connection as determined in Step 7. The computer specs generated in Steps 1, 2, and 3 should include wireless network adapters. If not, please revisit and add (all tablets have Wi-Fi built in). A wireless router is needed if not already included in your ISP quote. Explain your findings.

Step 9: Virtual Database Design

Design a database for tracking patient demographics (name, address, state, zip, phone number, and so on). You will not actually develop a database in this step but rather organize data collection (input) and then design two significant reports that can be used for office purposes. This is a virtual activity. Explain your findings and database activity.

Step 10: End-User Interviews

Interview two (2) people, one Windows user and one Mac user. Ask each person to explain what he or she likes and dislikes about each unique operating system. Explain the similarities and differences of each operating system. Based on your findings, what would your recommendation be for this medical office?

Step 11: Summary Statement

In this final step, summarize all of your findings. Be creative, and add appropriate technology as you see fit.

Reference no: EM13856815

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