Describe the influence on the person''s development

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Reference no: EM131153

Write a paper describing the influence the experiences have made on the person's development.

• Discuss the social, family, and intimate relationships of the person in the case study below.
• Show any role changes that have occurred.
• Illustrate the immediate and future effect of healthy or unhealthy habits practiced by this person.

Case Study : Jackson

Jackson is a 25-year old male who has recently been admitted to a substance abuse program in Chicago, Illinois. He has been arrested several times for possession of a controlled substance but has not served any time in jail. He grew up in a single-parent household with his mother, Tina. Tina, 45, is employed as a high school teacher; his biological father is not involved in his life. Tina's boyfriend, Michael, often attempts to serve as a father figure to Jackson.

Jackson went to college immediately after high school, focused on a degree in chemistry. In high school, he was a good student who earned A's and B's in most courses. After a car accident, a slight head injury caused him to lose some cognitive functioning and analytical skills. Jackson started drinking alcohol occasionally with friends during his freshman year of college. He also abused prescription painkillers given to him after the accident.

Jackson was in two serious relationships his senior year of high school, with Alice and Beth. He asked both of the girls to marry him, but then recanted. Each of the relationships lasted about 6 months in which each girl complained that Jackson was distant and unable to commit emotionally. Jackson questioned his sexuality his first year in college when he found himself sexually attracted to his roommate Stanley. He asked to be moved to another dorm room due to his uncomfortable feelings around Stanley. Jackson continues to display an overindulgence in alcohol and has difficulty maintaining friendships and relationships. He has left college and is now home with his mother Tina, attending rehab. Tina has claimed that he does not leave his bedroom for the most part and refuses to find a job.

Reference no: EM131153

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