Describe the industry conditions

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706560

Select a company that begins with the same letter as your last name (which is M). You can find the list of companies by first clicking on the "Companies" tab and then the "Companies" tab under "S&P Indices" on the left.

Click on the various tabs for your chosen company, paying particular attention to the "Vital Statistics" section.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing certain companies, please try the following: Find the company that you desire, click the "Home" tab at the top of the page, and then use "Simple Search" to access your company's profile.


In your thread, describe the industry conditions, the financial position of the company (relative to the industry and the company as a whole), the economic outlook of the company, and why you as a potential investor would or would not invest in this company.

In determining your answer, please be sure to address some of the key financial indicators that helped to determine your decision to invest or not to invest. Please note that while you are giving your opinion, you should avoid using first person.


The purpose of Discussion Board Forums is to generate interaction among students in regard to relevant course topics.

You are required to submit a thread of at least 300 words in response to the provided prompt for each forum. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 2 citations in current APA format.

Each reply must cite at least 1 source and include biblical integration. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage may be used for Discussion Board Forum 1 but will only count as 1 source.

Reference no: EM131706560

Questions Cloud

Calculate the profit or loss at a level of production : Calculate the profit or loss at a level of production and sales per period when 100,000 and 120,000 units are employed.
Discuss what factors bond rating agencies : Expand on this topic and discuss what factors bond rating agencies use to grade companies. Does the factor vary from industry to industry?
Analyze two issues that contribute to the current nursing : Analyze two issues that contribute to the current nursing shortage in the U.S., and propose a strategy to rectify this employment issue.
Weighted average cost of capital formula : In the weighted average cost of capital formula, the after-tax cost of debt is used instead of the before-tax cost of debt.
Describe the industry conditions : Describe the industry conditions, the financial position of the company the economic outlook of the company.
Describe the current economic climate in the countries : Economic Climate - Describe the current economic climate in the countries or regions that you will be investing.
What would you show the restaurant owner to change : The restaurant owner refuses because he says that he would lose on average $0.60 per meal. Is he correct? What would you show the restaurant owner to change
Maturity remains constant over time : What will happen to the bond price in five years, if the bond's yield to maturity remains constant over time?
Discussion about wasting a lot of time on the social media : The investigations have proved that the working generation is wasting a lot of time on the social media.


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