Describe the incident and its environmental impact

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13873413

Course is waste management and the text book is:Letcher, T. M., & Vallero, D. A. (Eds.). (2011). Waste: A handbook for management. Burlington, MA: Academic Press.

Research the Mount Polley mine spill. Write a case study of at least two pages (not including title and reference pages) on this event. Your case study should address the following items:

-Describe the incident and its environmental impact.

-Summarize the physical and chemical characteristics of the waste.

-The article mentions poor regulation and oversight, an industry-friendly attitude, and political contributions from the mining company as contributing factors in the spill. Which of these do you think could have contributed the most? Take a position and defend it, using at least one outside resource.

-Discuss one factor that may have contributed to the accident that was not mentioned in the article.

Reference no: EM13873413

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