Describe the importance of using distilled water

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132935377

In this laboratory activity, you will observe the behavior of fruit flies in a choice chamber. Review a similar experiment scenario below and answer the pre-lab reflection questions.

A student constructed a choice chamber by cutting off the bottoms of two plastic bottles (of the same size) and using clear plastic tape to tape the bottoms of the bottles together. She labeled one side A and one side B. She tapped 20 fruit flies into the choice chamber by placing a cap on one end and a funnel on the other end of the chamber. She tapped the flies into the chamber from a culture vial. After transfer, she replaced the cap and funnel with cotton balls. She placed five drops of distilled water on each of the two cotton balls and laid the chamber on a white piece of paper. After five minutes of undisturbed time, she counted the number of flies at each end of the choice chamber. The data she collected is below:

Side A Side B

5 minutes 11 flies 8 flies

10 minutes 9 flies 12 flies

Introduction-Fly Behavior Reflection Questions

-Was there an overall orientation movement after 10 minutes? Explain the reason.

-Describe the importance of using distilled water at both ends of the chamber?

-Explain why the choice chamber was placed on the white piece of paper.

-Identify two kinds of stimuli that could alter the results within the choice chamber.

Reference no: EM132935377

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