Describe the importance of inventory management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133271822

Case Study

Stevenson, W.(2021),Operations Management,14th. Ed.,McGraw-Hill

Question 1: Describe the importance of inventory management as it relates to the Farmers Restaurant

Question 2: What ordering system would be best for this situation?

Question 3: Given the following information, provide an example of how much of Farmers Sausage Gravy Mix should be ordered. You are doing the order for Thursday. Also, Kristin would like a ser¬vice level of 95%, and you have found that there is a standard deviation of 3.5 units per week, and a moving average weekly demand of 35 servings. The gravy mix comes in packs of two servings. There are currently three packs in inventory.

Question 4: Given the above information and an on-hand inventory of 12, determine the risk of stock out at the end of initial lead time and at the end of the second lead time. The lead time is 2 days and orders are placed once a week.

Question 5: The supplier Kristin uses is located in Ohio. Why might Kristin consider dealing with a nearby supplier instead of the one in Ohio? What reasons might there be for not switching suppliers?

Verified Expert

The report is about the case of inventory management system.Specific questions on the inventory management system of Farmer's restaurant are given and discussed about. References are included.Questions followed problems and text questions as well.

Reference no: EM133271822

Questions Cloud

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