Reference no: EM131136957
Developing a Shared Vision
Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today's health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics:
1. Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services)
2. Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services
3. Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues 4. Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and Temporary Contract Staff
5. Poor Performance Outcomes Leading to a Reduction in Medicare Reimbursement Dollars
6. Poor Job Satisfaction Rates Resulting in Turnover
You are the manager of an ancillary service department at a large, 500+ bed hospital.
Develop a proposal (750-1,200 words) that is directed toward your staff, in which you address the following:
1. Inform the staff of the two issues (from the topics provided) your organization is facing.
2. Describe the impact of these issues on your department.
3. Describe how improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in your department.
4. Identify at least two examples from the required or recommended readings of techniques found to foster inclusion and improve communication and collaboration.
5. A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Describe several situations-imagined or actual
: Describe several situations, imagined or actual, where good policy intentions could work or go astray. In your overall estimation, should government presence on the Internet be more or less? Give some concrete examples, especially in business situati..
Is this a qualitative or quantitative design and why
: Once you have collected your data on the effectiveness of the various types of course delivery for a statistics course, would you use inferential or descriptive statistics and why?
American class perspectives essay
: Examine how the American class system looks from the perspective of people of color. Give scrupulous attention to the idea that race is a biological fiction, something that only matters to us socially.
Potential trade-offs of development versus sustainability
: Discuss the potential trade-offs of development versus sustainability. Are opportunities for development growing or diminishing? Does the Internet provide opportunities for development with limited trade-offs
Describe the impact of the issues on your department
: Describe the impact of these issues on your department. Describe how improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in your department.
A time-phased assembly plan to pre pare the gift bags
: You are expected to have the gift bags in Problem 14.1 ready at 5 p.m.. However, you need to personalize the items (mono grammed pens, note pads, literature from the printer, etc.).
Preclude the application of the assignment approach
: In the standard assignment problem where, for example, workers are being assigned tasks, which of the following situations would preclude the application of the assignment approach (the Hungarian algorithm)?
Estimate distance form a lightning bolt by measuring time
: You can ignore the time it takes for the light flash to reach you. why?
By using the sketch pad answer questions
: By using the sketch pad answer questions for each of your ideas. - Determine which idea is the best by using critique pad.