Reference no: EM132992848
HI6005 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment - Appendix Writing and Group Research Report
This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with a general framework of at least one management related topic. Students will be required to apply relevant theoretical concepts with the use of practical examples in most cases in a written research paper.
Organise yourselves into groups of 4 students.
Please choose from one of the following topics from the list (see below).
Research on the broad topic is a group activity and each student must contribute to that work. Each student in the group will then research, in depth an individual component drawn from the broad research topic. There are two parts in the group assignment:
(A) Appendix Writing
(B) Research Report Writing
What should be included in the appendix?
1. All the group member details-full name, student id numbers, contact phone numbers.
2. The topic chosen for your group assignment
3. Allocation of the tasks for each member in the group.
4. A Gantt chart showing the working plan towards completion of the group assignment. This chart must have every allocated task, deadlines and dates clearly stated.
5. Each student to list at least five references and sources for their chosen part. [Final report must contain these references plus any others that are cited orused].
6. All the correspondence towards working on the group assignments must be submitted as part of this assessment, this would include but not limited to emails, WhatsApp messages, USB file exchanges, group discussion, text messages, etc.
7. Details of a minimum of five group meetings held to be provided. Each meeting must be documented in the following format
8. Our group expectations are:
9. We experienced the following challenges during this assignment:
10. At the completion of the assignment we have the following insights:
List of Topics (Choose one):
Globalisation General Framework
In this topic, you are to research globalisation. The business press bombards us with ideas about ‘The shrinking world', ‘the flat world' and ‘the border-less world' - all catchphrases to describe the impact of globalisation. But are the (trade) borders really collapsing or are we seeing, post GFC, a resurgence in them? What is behind the extreme demonstrations against globalisation at G7 and
WTC conferences?
Individual Components
1. World 3.0: P Ghemawat's questioning of whether the world really is as ‘global' as we are being told it is and his ideas about how it could be globalised more effectively.
2. Anthony Giddens' ideas on globalisation.
3. The "End of Poverty" movement and the contrary assertion that "Trade NOT aid" is the way to a more globalised world that mitigates against poverty.
Corporate or Organisational Culture General Framework
Discuss why corporate culture is such an important determinant of organisational success. Outline the
dimensions commonly used in describing a particular organisation's culture.
Individual Components
Each individual should focus on one (or two) of the dimensions and identify a specific organisation noted for its emphasis of that dimension.
Describe how that organisation stresses that particular component of organisation culture and comment on whether they have been successful [Note: Individual team members must choose different dimensions and thus outline different actual cases].
National Culture General Framework
Discuss why an understanding of national culture is important for multi-national or trans-national corporations seeking to operate in a global business environment. Outline the dimensions commonly used in describing national culture.
Individual Components
Each individual should choose a different country classifying it in terms of the commonly-used dimensions for describing national culture.
Choose the countries wisely so that differences can be highlighted.
Each member should seek to find specific examples in their country of choice to illustrate the
classification they have made.
Choose the countries wisely so that differences can be highlighted.
Each member should seek to find specific examples in their country of choice to illustrate the classification they have made.
Management Decision Making: Social Model General Framework
There is little doubt that social influences have a significant impact on decision-making behaviour. Social pressures and influences may cause managers to make irrational decisions. Outline, in the general framework, a model of social influence on decision making.
Individual Components
The individual components of this topic introduce some classic studies as illustrative of the impact of social influences on decision making.
1. Solomon Asch's classic study into the impact of social conformity on decision making.
2. Stanley Milgram's classic study of the influence that obedience to an authority figure can have on decision making.
3. Fred Luthans' study on the influence of information presented in a computer printout in contrast to the
same information presented from an ordinary typewriter.
4. Groupthink examples.
Goal Setting and Planning General Framework
Outline the importance of goal setting in planning and the characteristics of well-defined goals.
Individual Components
1. Discuss Miles & Vergen's landmark study into goal setting and the three conditions they identified to be satisfied to ensure best practice in goal setting.
2. Discuss Management by Objectives.
3. Discuss contingency factors which influence a manager's approach to planning.
4. Discuss different types of plans.
The Hawthorne Studies General Framework
The Hawthorne studies had their origins in the Scientific School of Management and constituted a genuine attempt at discovery through research. By today's standards there were deficiencies in the research which will be highlighted in the individual components of this topic.
In your introduction outline the overall context of the Hawthorne studies and in your conclusion, stress the significant outcomes from the studies notwithstanding the acknowledged defects in the research methodology.
Individual Components
1. The Illumination Studies: One member of the group chooses this phase of the studies.
2. The Relay Room Experiments: Another member of the group chooses this phase of the studies.
3. The Bank Wiring Experiments: The third member of the group choose this phase.
Stakeholder Relationship Management and its influence on Management Decision Making General Framework
Relationship management is one of the highest-level managerial functions. Use an example to illustrate poor relationship management and the outcome that resulted from it. Outline the four-step approach to stakeholder relationship management.
Individual Components
Construct an example to illustrate good stakeholder relationship management. Using your example:
1. Define the general external environment of your example, identifying stakeholders withinit.
2. Define the specific external environment of your example, identifying stakeholders within it. 3.Discuss how the multi-advocacy approach to stakeholder relationship management would assist managers in decision making which is sensitive to managing stakeholder relationships.
Organisational Structure General Framework
Outline, six key elements commonly used to define the structure of an organisation identifying the management theorist who identified each of these elements. Then outline four factors (contingencies) that are commonly used to define the situation (the organisational environment).
Individual Components
Each individual should select an example organisation - a real example - and suggest what you believe to be the structure of that organisation in terms of the six key elements that are used to define organisational structure. For your example organisation, you should define their organisational environment in the terms of the four contingency factors and comment on the match (or mis-match) of the organisation to its organisational environment.
Cross Cultural Teams: People Issues in Global Business General Framework
Discuss the challenges in recruiting and effectively managing cross cultural teams.
Individual Components
1. From the work of Hofstede and others, identify issues likely to face the expatriate manager.
2. Discuss the skills and abilities which have been identified in successful international managers.
3. Demonstrate how multivariate analysis might be used in recruitment of internationalmanagers.
4. Discuss acculturation issues in expatriation and repatriation of international managers
Teams General Framework
Discuss the emergence of teams as a key feature of the modern workplace and trace its origins in the context of the changes in thinking associated with the development of schools of management thought.
Individual Components
1. Outline Tuckman's stages in team development identifying the leader's role at each stage (Use examples).
2. Apply insights from the study of managerial decision making to decision making inteams.
3. Give examples of how the physical structures have been designed to facilitateteamwork.
4. Outline the ways in which managers might promote teamwork.
Performance Management General Framework
Discuss Performance Management in the context of the identifying the relevant School of Management Theory. Identify positives and negatives in the approaches to performance management.
Individual Components
1. MBO, Review and Agree, 360-degree Feedback.
2. Compare and contrast strengths and weaknesses of cohesive versus non-cohesive teams and the application to High Performance Organisations.
3. Performance Management from a Control Theory Perspective.
4. The Balanced Scorecard Approach.
Motivation Overview General Framework
Outline the meaning of motivation as it applies in the workplace.
1. Discuss this question: Can a manager instill motivation into employees or is motivation a process of drawing out something from employees? Discuss coaching.
2. Provide a map of the various theories of work motivation and explain the map.
3. Discuss John Holland theory of personality and job fit as an explanation of workmotivation.
4. Describe the difference between a content theory and a process theory of motivation.
Motivation: Content Theories General Framework
Describe the difference between a content theory and a process theory of motivation citing examples of how some process theories, under criticism, have been reduced to content theories.
Individual Components
1. Discuss Maslow's theory and detail the criticisms that have been levelled against it.
2. Discuss Hertzberg's theory and detail the criticism that have been levelled against it.
3. Discuss McGregor's theory of work motivation.
4. Behavioural science research expects to be scrutinized and criticism levelled against it. Summarise with
examples from Hofstede's work through to the theories of motivation.
Motivation: Process Theories General Framework
Provide a map of the various theories of work motivation and explain the map distinguishing the differences between content and process theories of work motivation.
1. Discuss McClelland's work and theories of work motivation.
2. Discuss Goal Setting and its role in work motivation: the ‘Review & Agree' Process.
3. Discuss Equity Theory using examples.
4. Discuss Expectancy Theory using examples.
Change Management General Framework
Outline the "Calm-waters" and the "White-water rapids" metaphors for Change Management.
Discuss Kotter's theory of Change Management.
Discuss Force-Field Analysis: giving examples.
Changing an organisation's culture may be necessary as part of change management. What can a manager do to change an organisation's culture?
Attachment:- Management and Organisations.rar