Reference no: EM132332678
Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety Assignment -
ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES - The assignment describes the skills and knowledge required to identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance cultural safety.
This assignment applies to people working in a broad range of roles including those involved in direct client service, program planning, development and evaluation contexts.
Cultural Safety
Q1. What does it mean for a healthcare centre (clinic or hospital) to be culturally safe?
Q2. Why does a service need to be culturally aware and culturally competent if they are going to become culturally safe?
Q3. Identify three (3) benefits of a culturally specific clinic for the patient and the healthcare professionals:
Q4. Most clinic's do not cater exclusively for ATSI people. Many ATSI patients need to, or may choose to, access mainstream services. List three (3)examples of what mainstream services can do to try .
Q5. Describe the experience that someone of ATSI descent may have when accessing a service that is not culturally competent or safe.
Q6. List three (3) things that someone of ATSI descent may see in a service that is culturally competent and culturally safe.
Q7. Provide at least two (2) examples of how the service could get feedback about whether their service and staff practices really are culturally safe and competent.
Q8. How does the health performance framework support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander A?
Q9. Self-determination refers to a person's ability to make their own decisions. Self-determination should be a big part in treating patients. Provide an example of how you would encourage self-determination in a healthcare setting.
Q10. In your own words, provide a brief description of what your awareness is of cultural bias?
Q11. An awareness of our cultural bias may lead to a general focus on mostly western cultures, What can we do, in a healthcare setting, to make sure we are inclusive of all cultures.
Q12 Provide an example (500 words) of a time that your own cultural background and values may have influenced the way you work or interacted with others?
Case Study -
Nina is the manager at Southern Clinic Centre. This afternoon, a young mother is coming to meet Nina for a consultation about her 2-year-old son, Adoni. The young mother had spoken on the phone with Nina earlier; asking if the young mother's sister could accompany her son in the consultation. Nina refused and said that she would prefer the parent to come alone for the first time.
The young mother's patient form confirms that they are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.
Nina was very busy when the mother comes into the Clinic with her young son.
Nina (smiles, making eye contact): Hi, how are you.
Young mother: (looking around the patient room): Good.
Nina takes the young mother into the room and as she is busy, she leaves the young mother with Danny (another nurse).
Danny asks the mother about what Adoni likes to do. He waits a couple of seconds and when the mother hasn't responded, he prompts her further, asking if Adoni enjoys painting, reading or playing outside. The mother says yes.
When Nina returns and asks the young mother how she finds the clinic, the young mother simply answers, "Yes, yes."
Use the "Effective Communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People" (QLD Government QLD Health) or handout provided by your tutor to reflect on the above conversation.
a. List two (2) aspects which happened in the conversation that may not have been culturally competent?
b. Rewrite the above conversation to be more ulturally competent.
c. What are the communication techniques and work practices that can show respect for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
d. Adoni has been at your service and You feel that you are not doing everything you can to help settle into your service in a culturally inclusive way. What could you do?
e. How could you make sure you stay connected with National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation or similar organisations to stay up to date with information and opportunities?
Project 1- ATSI History and Culture
To become culturally safe in your work practice it is important that you learn about and begin to understand ATSI culture. The best way to do this is by speaking to people of ATSI descent. While you will do this as part of assessments for this unit, for this first project you need to use the internet and any available resources to conduct an individual research project.
In power-point or as a report in Microsoft Word, Provide an outline (1000 words) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture. Include the following:
1. Aboriginal Life before European Settlement
2. Describe the impact of European settlement on ATSI people referring to:
a) impact of European settlement
b) loss of land and culture
c) racism and discrimination
d) past and present power relations
3. Explain how European settlement has affected the health of ATSI people in past and present Australia. List at least two (2) common diseases experienced by ATSI people.
4. Explain the effect that generational trauma can have on ATSI people in the following ways:
- decision-making
- communicating
- understanding
- retaining information
After learning about ATSI history and culture, your own words, explain why you feel ATSI people may not feel comfortable accessing mainstream services, such as healthcare centre. Make sure to make reference to own culture and western systems and structures.
Project 2 - Evaluating Cultural Safety
Cultural safety is about whether people "feel" safe within their cultural identity and in their relationships with services and/or people. In other words, do people feel safe to be themselves when they are at your clinic and around you?
a. Explain two (2) ways in which cultural safety can be measured.
Record your answers to hand in to your trainer and assessor. It may be easiest to record your answers as a checklist. This is a recommendation and you may choose to present the information in an alternative way as long as the ideas are clearly presented.
b. Based on your checklist or ideas of measuring cultural safety of programs and services: Write a 1 paragraph (500 words) evaluation of a program or an aspect of service conducted on placement and whether you believe it constitutes being "culturally safe" and why.
Project 3 - Contacting ATSI Organisations and Involving them in Practice
It is important that mainstream health care services utilise contacts with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, specialists and organisations when delivering services. It is the people of a culture who will be able to provide the most accurate and relevant information, to you, about the needs of people from that demographic.
In class you should discuss and locate local, relevant ATSI services that may be useful to your practice in healthcare setting.
a. Identify ATSI organisations, contact them and provide a response to the following:
- You will need to introduce yourself as a student from SCEI, and your purpose in ringing, as part of an assignment on Promoting ATSI cultural safety.
You are required to find out the following information from them.
- Name and purpose of the service
- Whether they offer interpreting services.
- If they have information on (possible fact sheets)or can provide you with comments on what they feel the key aspects of "cultural safety" are
- If they have any other comments or advice that they feel they would like to pass on to you as an Nursing student
b. After finding out this information from the service, write a 1 paragraph reflection on your new understanding of how you could make sure a program or a service was culturally safe.
Prior to attending work placement you will be issued with a work placement booklet. This will outline:
- the roles and responsibilities of you (the student), the SCEI workplace supervisor and host organisation
- the skills you will be observed and assessed performing
- assessment tasks to complete prior to work placement and during work placement.
It is expected during the industry work placement the student will consistently demonstrate achievement of the required skills and knowledge as set out below. Please refer to the work placement booklet for further details of the work placement and the assessment requirements.
Assessment Criteria -
Promoted Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the context of at least 1 workplace
Reflect awareness of own and other cultures in work practices
Use communication techniques and work practices that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
Attachment:- Cultural Safety Assignment File.rar