Describe the hypothesis tests and multivariate statistical

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133421772

Questions: Describe how you will analyse the data gathered in your study in detail.

Where appropriate, students conducting quantitative research should address the following issues in this section:

  • Briefly indicate how you would validate, edit, code and clean your data in preparation for statistical and / or qualitative analysis.
  • Indicate the specific descriptive statistics - measures of location, spread & shape, as well as graphical descriptive methods - that you will use to describe each of the variables in your dataset.
  • Describe the hypothesis tests and multivariate statistical techniques that you will be using in your study (You should at least identify the appropriate parametric and non-parametric tests that you could use to test your specific hypotheses).
  • Indicate how you will test for the underlying assumptions of any parametric hypothesis tests.
  • Mention the software programmes that you will use to code and analyse your data.


Reference no: EM133421772

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