Describe the human factors faced in the role

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Reference no: EM132519093

Assignment: Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, discuss each of the following criteria:

• Role description and education level required for the role.

• Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.

• Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges.

• Express insights gained from the interview.

• Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies influence delivery of direct patient care.

• Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview.

Reference no: EM132519093

Questions Cloud

What consolidate balance for equipment account as of dec : Matador has equipment with a book value of $140,000 buy a fair market value. What is the consolidated balance for the equipment account as of December 31, 2020?
What barriers or challenges would you anticipate : Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been asked by your manager to pilot a program aimed.
What is the profit maximizing output : If this firm is operating in an efficient market with the market price of $50m, what is the profit maximizing output?
Current blue ocean supply chain : What is the current Blue Ocean supply chain and how does it impact the company? How can we establish a returns process to improve customer satisfaction?
Describe the human factors faced in the role : Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style.
Find what maximum amount marie withdraw each month : What maximum amount could Marie withdraw each month so that her balance never decreases (nearest dollar)? she will need $5000 per month in retirement period.
Prepare journal entries for recognized full year : Prepare Journal entries for Recognized a full year of depreciation on the $20,000 Equipment using the straight line method (salvage $5,000 and life 5 years)
Perceive the supply available from around the world : Israel can buy from rice producers any amount of rice at the global price. How does Israel perceive the supply available to it from around the world?
Determine the current portion and non current portion : Determine the current portion and non current portion? Determine the balance sheet classification of the unearned portion of the revenue collected.


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