Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport

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Reference no: EM132361078 , Length: word count:1250

Aviation Planning Assignment -

Case Study - Deer Valley Airport (DVT) - Demand/Capacity Analysis, & Site Selection Study

INSTRUCTIONS - Conduct a capacity and site selection study at Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, Arizona. You should do the following:

1. Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport.

2. Develop a forecast of total annual demand for the airport using a trend analysis. You may use Microsoft Excel or other statistical software.

3. Determine hourly capacity, hourly delay and annual service volume for Deer Valley Airport using the short-term planning methodology and FAA Figures provided in FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5060-5, Airport Capacity and Delay. This methodology is also provided in Chapter 5 of the Aviation Planning textbook.

4. Select a suitable alternative site for Deer Valley Airport that could the same population as the existing airport.

5. Document your findings in a written paper.

6. Your documentation should be in the form of a written paper that includes the following sections:


This section should describe the types and levels of aviation activity at the airport over the past 20 years. It should include tables and figures as appropriate. The tabulated data should include the number of based aircraft, the number of annual airport operations and the split between air carrier, air taxi, general aviation and military operations as applicable. As a minimum, 20 years of historical data should be provided. You may use the information presented in your paper on the airport's existing conditions.


This section should include a forecast of total annual operations for Deer Valley Airport for the years 2015 through to 2025 using a trend analysis. Your trend analysis should be based on the 20 years of data. In addition, develop forecast for the Average Day Peak Month and Peak Hour operation in the years 2020 and 2025. In the Year 2020 the peak month will be March and is 9.5 percent of annual operations. In addition, peak hour operations are 6 percent of operations during the average day of the peak month. In the Year 2025 the peak month will also be March and is 9.3 percent of annual operations and peak hour operations are 5.5 percent of operations during the average day of the peak month.


This section should report on the determination of hourly capacity for the airport for the years 2020 and 2025. The Airport will close Runway 7R-25L, below, in the Year 2025 for reconstruction. Explain why there are differences in hourly capacity between the five runway-use configurations. To complete this section you will need to determine the separation between the runways and the available runway exit locations measured as distance from threshold in Google earth.

The runway-use configurations and the percent of the time they are used are shown in the tables below for the future Years 2020 and 2025. The arrows pointing towards a runway end indicate arrivals on that threshold and those pointing away from a runway indicate the direction of departures from the runway.


This section should report on the determination of hourly delay for the airport for the years 2020 and 2025. Calculate hourly delay in VFR conditions for the Year 2020 and 2025 for runway use configurations No. 1 and No. 4. Explain why there are differences in the delay calculated for these two years. The following information is required to complete your delay calculations.


This section should report on the determination of Annual Service Volume using the methodology for short-term planning. Explain how these ASVs compare to demand at the airport. Plot a graph (with multiple lines) that charts ASV, 60 percent of ASV, and Annual Demand for the years 2020 and 2025. Analyze the graph and report your findings. As part of your discussion answer the following question: What is the potential impact of the runway closure in the Year 2025?


This section should identify a suitable alternative site Deer Valley Airport. The area of the alternative site should be able to accommodate all of the existing facilities at the current airport and provide space for growth. You may use image from google maps or google earth in your site selection. At least three alternative sites should be identified and evaluated. The following should be considered:

1. Convenience to population, including proximity to highways, railroads or other modes of surface transportation

2. Airspace

3. Surrounding obstructions

4. Availability for expansion

5. Availability of utilities

6. Meteorological conditions

7. Environmental and Noise impacts


This section should state your recommendations for Deer Valley Airport. These recommendations should be based on your demand/capacity analyses and site selection study. Identify any further infrastructure development that is required both on and off-airport to support the future airport operations.

For more details see attached file.

Report Requirements - A good way of getting your paper done on time is to start early. The following requirements must be met:

1. Report figures tables should be appropriately titled and sourced.

2. Worksheets and supporting calculations should be place in an appendix. Blank worksheets have been provided for you.

3. Include a list of your references, also separate from the number of pages of content, at the end of the paper.

Planning/ Technical Report Writing -

1. Write in concise clear sentences. Check your spelling and grammar and read your sentences out loud to ensure they make sense.

2. Cite your sources within your text. For example: "According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the population of Brevard County will grow at a rate of 1.5 percent over the next ten years."

3. Do not use abbreviations within the main body of the document. For example, the symbol for feet or the abbreviation ft. should not be used. Write out the word feet. Similarly, symbols such as % should be written out in full as percent. Symbols in Tables are acceptable if there insufficient space for the full text.

4. You may use acronyms in the main body of the report. However, they should be fully defined the first time they are used. Do not assume the reader knows what they stand for. For instance: Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (MALSR). After defining the acronym it may be then used in subsequent text.

5. When using single digit numbers in the main body of the text write out the number and place the number itself in brackets. For example: "In 2010, the airport had three (3) active FBOs. If your sentence starts with a number, write out the number regardless of the number of digits.

6. Read other planning study reports to see how information is written out or expressed.

Attachment:- Aviation Planning Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132361078

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8/26/2019 3:40:09 AM

Word- 1250. This paper is mandatory meaning a final course grade of F will be received for this course if it is not submitted. A good way of getting your paper done on time is to start early. The following requirements must be met: Report figures tables should be appropriately titled and sourced. Worksheets and supporting calculations should be place in an appendix. Blank worksheets have been provided for you. Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around. Font: Arial, Font Size: 11, Line spacing: Single and Provide appropriate Headings with section numbers, in bold.


8/26/2019 3:40:03 AM

Use Headers and Footers - Name and title of paper in Header. Page numbers centered in the Footer. Text should be fully justified. Include a list of your references, also separate from the number of pages of content, at the end of the paper. Create a cover for your report that includes the following: Title, Prepared for: Course Name and Section, Prepared by: Your name and Date. Failure to meet these project report requirements will affect your grade. The report will be graded with respect to content, format and grammar. Please refer to the grading outline on the last page of this outline.

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