Reference no: EM131019396
Research paper about the value of Alphabet (Google) company.
Your manager gives you an assignment asking for your opinion on the value of Alphabet (Google) company. You will research this company for the purpose of making a recommendation regarding the stock value. Your recommendation will be to either buy shares or avoid investing in the company.
The paper will be no more than 5 pages and no less than 3 pages, single spaced, 12-point Calibri font. The structure of the paper will be as follows:<Please follow this structure
• Recommendation
• Company history
• Financial analysis
• Stock history
Business communication is brief, concise, and clear. To write an effective paper you should first thoroughly research your subject and have a recommendation based on the facts. Write a draft and then revise the draft. Examine each word for appropriateness. Sentences should be well structured. Paragraphs should be cohesive and present clear facts. The paper should support the recommendation. Begin the paper with the recommendation because that is the assignment. What follows is the justification for your recommendation.
Your recommendation should not be a "sales" job, so guard against sounding like a press release for the company. Support the recommendation with a brief summary of the research, noting the most important reasons for your conclusion. The recommendation should be one paragraph.
Be brief when describing the company history. These are all well known firms and there is no reason to go into excessive detail about the history; 3 or 4 paragraphs at most should suffice. Describe important products and services, marketing efforts, legal problems, reputation, logistic strategies, and other aspects of the business you feel are important. It is difficult to summarize an entire company history and description in 3 or 4 paragraphs, which is the point.
Describe the highlights of the company's financial condition. Assume you are writing a paper to someone with a higher level of financial understanding.
For the stock history section, again be brief and concise. How has the stock performed historically? What type of return should an investor expect? Is this a growth stock, value stock, or income stock? How does the stock price react to changes in the economy?
Please note: This is a simulation of a paper you would prepare for your manager. Do not follow APA formatting, do not include footnotes or references, do not use a cover page.
This is to be an original work from you. Do not under any circumstance cut and paste information from a website. If you do, you will receive no score for the assignment.