Describe the health needs of an at-risk population

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Reference no: EM133613479


Describe the health needs of an at-risk population within the United States, identify the services that currently exist to address the concern you have identified, and analyze how well the services are addressing the need. This paper should be minimum 5 double spaced pages long (with an additional cover page and references page(s)). Bold words should be your headings. To sufficiently answer questions with evidence, this paper requires a minimum of 8 sources, cited appropriately within the paper.

The paper should include the following:

1) Needs Assessment:

a. Identify an at risk population. This should be a population which hold interest for you. Example, "veterans with traumatic brain injury". Use citations to clearly define and describe the population and their risk.

b. Use a minimum of two sources to describe the unique health needs of the population.

c. Use one course reading or film to explain how social determinants of health contribute to this problem.

2) Service Delivery -

a. Research and identify, with citation, two healthcare services, programs, and initiatives currently available to address the health needs of the chosen at-risk population.

b. Describe each service in detail, including its scope, target audience, geographical coverage, and funding sources (hint: you may summarize programs we discussed in class, such as the ACA, Medicaid, Medicare, etc).

c. Evaluate the effectiveness of each identified service in addressing the health needs of the at-risk population. Use quantitative data, case studies, and expert opinions to assess the impact of these services on the target population

3) Recommendations for Change

a. Describe the single most important change in service delivery that you think could be enacted to meet the needs of your at-risk community. Be specific (for example, just increasing insurance accessibility is not would that be accomplished, who would need to enact the policy, etc). You do not have to create this. In fact, it is best to find a citation for a solution and explain why you feel this makes the most sense. Helpful reminder - you may find it useful to search Healthy People 2030!

b. How does your recommendation align with the NASW Code of Ethics (or your field's Code)?

Reference no: EM133613479

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