Reference no: EM132498819
Topic/Question 1
Situational Leadership Case Study-Why Aren't They Listening
This case allows you to analyze and apply what you have learned about the SLII model from reading the lesson material. To prepare for this case:
Read Northouse's (2018) Case 5.2 Why Aren't They Listening (p. 107) available in the Northouse's Situational Leadership chapter through the Library e-Reserves. Also read all assigned readings before answering the case study questions.
Use the lesson material to support your response.
Provide your answers to Questions 1-4. For, Question 4, provide at least one example of a change Jim could make to improve the seminars.
Topic/Question 2
Think about a time when an organization that you have worked for initiated an organizational change (or a change effort that you have observed or read about) that involved either individual, group, or organizational level change. Describe the nature of the change effort and whether the change was planned vs. unplanned, evolutionary vs. revolutionary or continuous vs. discontinuous. Describe how you, as an organizational leader, could effectively manage resistance to organizational change. What were some of the reasons for resistance? Identify at least two actions would you take. Provide specific examples.
Topic/Question 3
Lessons 10-13: Pick a concept (or two) from lessons 10 through 13. Describe the general idea and any important pieces. Use an example from your life to make that concept come to life for your classmates. Analyze the example using the concept. Use course materials to provide evidence and support your response.
Examples of different approaches to the topic include (but are not limited to) the following options:
Summarize how you will apply a leadership approach or concept to a challenge that you face either now or in the future.
Translate one or more concepts or principles into practical guidelines for leadership practices.
Provide examples that illustrate how well-known leaders apply or exemplify one or more concepts or principles in their leadership practices.
Show the relevance of a particular concept by illustrating it with one or more concrete examples, observations, or experiences that have personal meaning for you.
Compare or contrast related concepts.
Critique a concept or a position expressed in the course textbook by identifying strengths and weaknesses.
Discuss and illustrate how different leadership concepts or approaches to leadership are related to one another.
Challenge a position expressed in the course textbook or other required reading and ask others to weigh-in with their thoughts.
APA Format: Use APA format to provide citations and referencing for all of the sources that you cited in this course discussion.
Attachment:- course discussion.rar