Describe the general environment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133491


Organizations have both an internal as well as an external environment. Describe the general environment and give at least one specific example of each dimension other than the examples given in the text and in the lectures


You are a manager of a Consulting firm, with 25 employees under your supervision. Employee Motivation appears to be slipping as well as employee performance. Employees look to have a negative attitude about their work which has led to some turnover of employees and an increase in absenteeism. You have been asked to provide upper management with recommendations of how to improve motivation of the employees. Please create an inspiration plan and list the main motivational theories you are applying in this plan. You should come up with a least of 3 ideas on how to improve motivation


You are a plant manager at Acme Plastics. You are successively running two shifts, a day shift also an evening shift. Formerly the day shift leaves each day, the workers requisite get an adequate supply of raw materials from the warehouse for the evening shift to use. On numerous occasions, they have inferior to do so. By the period the evening shift gets to work, the warehouse is locked up in addition it takes about three hours to get someone out to unlock it and get the production line rolling again. The two shift controllers are at each other's throats, and you have to do something to accurate the situation. What is the elementary problem causing this conflict? What could you do to resolve it?


The Text defines the four functions of a management as Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Temporarily put the plan states the desired outcome or goal and the process for achieving it. Control is the regulation of organizational activities besides processes in such a way as to facilitate goal attainment. Assume that you are a manager of a business. State the kind of business you are managing (it can be any business you choose). Give two instances of controls that you would implement in the business and how they could facilitate goal attainment

Reference no: EM133491

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