Describe the function of each application

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131509701


Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment.

Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation to evaluate the Microsoft productivity apps.

Design the presentation to show how anyone could be more productive by using these apps either professionally or personally.

Include the following PowerPoint features:

At least two examples of animation on text or image

Insert image and format using a style

Insert a video to start on click

Use a slide transitions on each slide

Attachment:- Example.pdf

Verified Expert

Please find the enclosed ppt as per the requirement.In this presentation, I have give few microsoft softwares like •Microsoft® OneNote •Microsoft® Sway •Microsoft® Office Mix •Microsoft® Edge and I have to make 2 slides for each software that mention functions of software and its evaluation by mentioning how software is used personally as well as professionally.

Reference no: EM131509701

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