Describe the form of business ownership of your business

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697839

Imagine that you are starting a business, and you must prepare a PowerPoint presentation to explain your business plan to potential investors and/or lenders.

When creating your business plan presentation, include the following:

Slide 1-Title and business name.

Slide 2-Describe the form of business ownership of your business and explain the advantages and disadvantages of establishing your business in this form.

Slide 3-Describe your target customers.

Slide 4-Explain how you plan to promote/market your business. Address various attributes of diversity within how you plan to market your business. For example, we have discussed Business in Today's World (Module 1). What diversity attributes do you plan to utilize in your business to be successful?

Slide 5-Explain the economic factors that will impact your business. Include the theory on supply and demand as part of your economic framework to explain factors of impact.

Slide 6-Describe how you plan to use technology to manage your business.

Slide 7-Identify the competition that will impact your business

Slide 8-Develop a code of ethics for your business. The code should include at least three rules or principles to which members of your organization are expected to adhere.

Slide 9-Describe how you plan to lead your business by including leadership theories (examples: transformational, transactional etc.) and correlate your chosen style to the previous slides to conclude the business plan.

Slide 10-List of references using APA format. Include at least three resources one of which may be your textbook.

Provide your information as a bulleted list on the slides and insert explanations where applicable. Use the notes section in Microsoft PowerPoint to add additional information and/or clarity to your presentation. It is acceptable to use additional slides as needed to clarify your responses.

Provide a minimum of three references (one may be your textbook) that you used in formulating your responses. Verify that you have included all of the required sections in your presentation. Check for proper use of mechanics and APA citation. Refer to the grading rubric for insight into grading criteria for this assignment.

Develop the presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131697839

Questions Cloud

Describe your global markeing strategy : Describe your global markeing strategy and how, if at all, you would modify the product feature or price by country in your market selection.
Calculate the investing cash flows for the current year : Cash Flows from Investing Activities During the year, Blaylock Company sold equipment with a book value of $140,000 for $190,000.
Identify and classify fixed and variable manufacturing costs : Continuing the scenario from the Module discussion: Identify and classify the fixed and variable manufacturing costs for producing your product.
Compute the financing cash flows for the current year : Cash Flows from Financing Activities Blaylock Company earned net income of $450,000 in 2012. Blaylock provided the following information.
Describe the form of business ownership of your business : Describe the form of business ownership of your business and explain the advantages and disadvantages of establishing your business in this form.
Confidence interval for the proportion of the population : Construct a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of the population that holds the same opinion.
Compute operating cash flows using the direct method : Operating Cash Flows: Direct Method Roberts Company has provided the following partial comparative balance sheets and the income statement for 2012.
Average weight of the trucks in the population : The average weight is 50,000 pounds with a standard deviation of 3600 pounds. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the average weight of the trucks.
What is new annual deposit amount you should make : What if you have $10,000 right now? How does this new information affect previous answer in (3)? What's new annual deposit amount you should make?


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