Describe the factors that make Alibaba a success in market

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM132318221

Assignment - Case Study Analysis

Relevant Learning Outcomes -

1. Individually and in groups identify the underlying principles and assumptions underpinning theories of global marketplace, global consumer culture and social networks.

2. Analyse the interface between virtual and brick & mortar operations of an international firm with a view to developing solutions for apparent misalignment.

3. Develop appropriate social network-based strategies with a view to effectively utilising global market opportunities.

Task: This assignment is organised as a case analysis followed by a case study report and a presentation. Here are the two tasks to perform:

(1) Choose one from two case studies. Cases are shown below:

(a) Alibaba; China's answer to eBay and Amazon.

(b) Old Spice Case Study; Effectively harnessing social media in personal care.

(2) Analyse the case study using theoretical perspectives you have learnt in this unit of study, answer the case study questions listed below, deliver a class presentation and submit a case study report.

Case Questions -

Case 1 - Alibaba; China's answer to eBay and Amazon

(1) Describe the factors that make Alibaba a success in the Chinese market (max 650 words).

(2) The company plans to continue diversifying to secure revenues exploiting the social trends of Chinese consumers. Identify issues/opportunities that may arise in integrating and fragmenting the Chinese consumer market as well as the global marketplace. (max 650 words).

(3) Describe how social media research could facilitate the firm's business growth in the global marketplace. (max 650 words).

(4) Based on your analysis of the case study, make four key recommendations for a future firm to be successful in the global marketplace (max 650 words).

Case 2 - Old Spice Case Study; Effectively harnessing social media in personal care

(1) Describe the factors that make the Old Spice Man, brand reinvention and social media combination a success in promoting a two way dialogue between the brand and consumers (max 650 words).

(2) Identify business implications of integrating and/or fragmenting the Asian Markets by this CPG manufacturer? (max 650 words).

(3) Describe how social media research could facilitate the firm's business growth in the global marketplace. (max 650 words).

(4) Based on your analysis of the case study, make four key recommendations for a future global firm to be successful in the global marketplace (max 650 words).

Guidelines for case study presentations -

(1) Organise your group to make a 20-minute presentation (including a 5-minute Q&A session) based on the case analysis.

(2) You are required to choose a suitable presentation theme based on the key learnings from the case analysis and the recommended lecture materials for this assignment. Here are few examples for you;

  • Key success factor/s of Alibaba business.
  • How to use social media to promote two-way dialog between the brand and consumers.
  • A comparison between ebay and Alibaba businesses.
  • Old Spice in comparison to King of Shaves.
  • Celebrity endorsements and self-identity in the global marketplace.
  • How Alibaba easily exceeded both eBay and Amazon.
  • Can Alibaba conquer the developing markets.

(3) Adopt any presentation style (for example, a board room discussion, an interview, a role play or any other innovative styles).

Guidelines for case study report writing -

(1) The case study report should be presented in a case study report format. Please refer to Summers J, & Smith B. (2006). Report Writing Communication skills handbook (pp. 51:66): John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. for more details. You may consider organising the report to include the following major sections. Headings and sub headings can be added appropriately.

Introduction and case background (250 words)

Body of the report (answers to the case study questions, 650X4= 2600 words)

Conclusion (150 words)

Reference no: EM132318221

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6/7/2019 4:04:09 AM

Word limit: 3000 words (10% +/- excluding the reference list and appendices). Marks Allocated: 30% (Case presentation: 10% Case study report: 20%). Submission: Case presentations during week 8-11 in tutorials (final report to be submitted during week 10). Case study report submission deadline will be displayed in Turnitin (through Canvas site). Group report must be submitted through Turnitin by ONLY one student from the group. Use 11pt Times New Roman font. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be one inch (2.54 cm). Line spacing 1.5.


6/7/2019 4:04:03 AM

Keep additional details in the Appendix to comply with the word limit. Use secondary information where necessary. i.e., company websites, business reports and at least 10 referred journal articles published after year 2011. The report should be written in a format of a report using the recommended academic convention; Harvard Referencing. You may attach all important additional information, if any, as appendices. Must include at least 10 journal articles in the reference list in addition to other sources. Peer evaluation sheets of the group member participation should be submitted by each student via the subject Canvas site. The assignment will be considered ‘NOT SUBMITTED’ otherwise.

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