Describe the factors of socialization in your life

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Reference no: EM133367121

Assignment Overview

Our identity is something that evolves over time. From the time we are born we are shaped by our family, friends, community, and the broader institutions in our society, a process known as socialization. It's important to acknowledge that we are socialized to have certain ideologies, or beliefs and values. These ideologies are the lens through which we understand how the world works. Our ideologies also influence our behavior and the decisions we make. In this reflection assignment, you are being asked to think critically about the sources of your own ideologies and the impact they have on our actions and identities.


1. Identify one ideology that you consider a core value to your identity, then describe the factors of socialization in your life that shaped it.

2. Briefly recount a decision or action that directly resulted from that ideology.

3. Critique that action-was it justified, rational and fair, or would you do things differently now that you know how your beliefs have been influenced by forces outside of yourself?

Reference no: EM133367121

Questions Cloud

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What cried he, has your father got, at last : what," cried he, "has your father got, at last? nothing but that poor thing at Chelsea? O fie! fie! fie! But never mind! I will take care of him!
Describe the factors of socialization in your life : Identify one ideology that you consider a core value to your identity, then describe the factors of socialization in your life that shaped it.
What techniques does he use to convince the audience : Think about the rhetorical choices the speaker, David Kwong makes. What techniques does he use to convince the audience? What other things did you find interest
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Describing the design thinking process : describing the Design Thinking process and outline two unique everyday products that have benefited from the process.
Contribute most to your personal values : What experiences do you think contribute most to your personal values?


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