Describe the experimental investigation and methodology

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Reference no: EM131315331 , Length:

Part -1:

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction: Introduce the project problem; define the scope, aim and objectives of the investigations.

CHAPTER 2 - Literature Review: Describe the literature/ theory reviewed which are relevant to the topic of the project

CHAPTER 3 - Experimental setup and Methodology: Describe the experimental investigation and methodology proposed to be adopted to do the project work. This chapter should be detailed to give deep insights into the experimentation associated with the project.

Conclusion: Suggestions for future studies in the area of present research, based on the aim and objectives of the selected topic, as reflected in the literature review.

Project Activity Bar Chart: Planning of the project work for next semester (approximately 10 weeks).


Appendix I: Critical evaluation of journal papers ( minimum 5)

Appendix II: Copies of Journal Papers evaluated.

Note: The topic identified for the project and the methodology and experimental design mentioned in the RM Study report cannot be changed in the final technical project without proper justification and approval by the panel of examiners.

Final Report Format

The attached guidelines indicate the format which your report must comply with. Please read this carefully.

The length of the main body text should be between 8,000 to 12,000 (40 to 60 pages for RM Final report)

Paper: White A4 sheet, typed on only one side.

Margin. Left 1.5", top 1", right 1" and bottom 1".

Typing :

- Chapter Title: Impact (Upper Case), size 16 ( e.g. CH APTER 1 )

- Main Heading: Arial Bold, size 12 ( e.g. 1.1 Introduction)

Sub Heading: Arial Bold, size 11 (e.g 1.1.1 Dynamic Source Routing Protocol )

- Body text: Arial, size 11

The chapters will be designated by Arabic numerical. CHAPTER 1. CHAPTER 2. etc. The sections of a chapter will be numbered using decimal type notations. e.g 3.2 refers to the second section of chapter 3.

Figure and Table captions: Arial, size 11 Decimal type notations will be used for numbering the figuresiphotos. charts, tables and drawings in a chapter( e.g Figure 3.2 , Table 4.2 etc)

The pages carrying the declaration, acknowledgement. abstract. contents. nomenclature, list of tables. list of figures will be numbered by using one set of small roman numerical (i.

Page numbers at the bottom right hand side - Page X of Y format is recommended

Equations should also be numbered in decimal type notation within the brackets.

Appendixes will be numbered with capital Roman numerical, e.g. Appendix I,

Appendix II etc.

Paragraph alignments:

Paragraphs - justified o Line spacing - 1.5 line spacing

Additional Spacing

Paragraphs should have treble space between them (single return processor when set for 1 5 spacing). A similar space should be inserted headings to keep them clear of the main text

Margins: Each typed sheet will bear the margin shown here. Left 1.5" and bottom 1".

Binding: The report must be bound using a black Simple binding or Tape binding (Figure 1). It is the student's responsibility to undertake to have this done and sufficient time must be allowed for this before the submission date.

RM Final Report writing Guide lines
The Final Study report should contain vanous chapters including Abstract. Introduction, Literature review and Methodology of the selected project title as given below. There is no limitation for the references to be added in the literature review The students can refer Text book. website and more technical papers which they found relevant to their project topic

- Title Page: As per specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)

- Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement by the student for those from whom he/she received support for successfully carrying out the project work

- Abstract: It is the condensed version of the proposed Droiect which contains aim, objectives and methodology in a paragraph form The write up should be self-contained and list of references need not be mentioned here The abstract should occupy maximum one page The bottom line should contain key words.

- Contents The content shall follow the abstract and indicate the page numbers of the chapters sections sub-sections, appendices and references. The number and titles of all the items must be clearly entered with page numbers against them.

- Nomenclature: Nomenclature will follow the contents'. Its purpose will be to define all the symbols. abbreviations, Greek or Latin letters, superscripts etc.

Part -2:

Topic Selected: Soil stabilization by cement

Aim: To determine the suitability of soil blocks made with varying cement content.

Objective(s): - To determine engineering properties of soil collected.
- To compare test results with standard values.
- To know whether soil is suitable to use according to test result.
- To determine compressive strength of cement-stabilized soil block.

Methodology: - To collect 3 different soil samples
- To conduct tests for:
- Permeability
- Shrinkage Limit, Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, plasticity limit.
- Specific gravity
- Sieve analysis
- Soil Compaction
- Mixing soil with cement and then find compressive strength.

Chapter details

Verified Expert

The assignment is about methodology adopted to determine the suitability of soil block made with varying cement content. Experimental set up and methodology were adopted with regard to pumping test, falling head test, CPT and CPTu measurement, and measurement of index sand properties for testing permeability; other tests for which methodology was written was atterbergs limits, sieve analysis, specific gravity, and compaction test. It was done on MS word. Different types of arial font was used as recommended.

Reference no: EM131315331

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12/16/2016 6:13:08 AM

I want this engineering assignment. Following are the attachment of the assignment question. In this assignment I want chapter 2 and chapter 3. Each chapter will be 3000 words so total will be 6000 words for chapter 2 & 3. In this email I will talk about Chapter 2. Following are the 5 journals to do Chapter 2. In chapter 2 the tutor need to write summary for each journals. And then mention if it possible to use in my project or no and why. 3000 Words - chapter 2. This email is for the same assignment but chapter 3. Following is the attachment for chapter 3. topic is :- soil stabilization by cement. In chapter 3 write information for all experiment which is attached in the second attachment that is methodology. Words is 3000. And please write the abstract and knowledgement. please hire the best tutor for this assignment who understand the assignment and it's requirements really well. please hire a tutor who is experienced and knows about this topic.

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