Describe the evolution of the circulatory system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133543196


Describe the evolution of the circulatory system in the following phylum listed below. Only use the characteristics at the phylum level only.

. Phylum Echinodermata

. Phylum Chordata

Reference no: EM133543196

Questions Cloud

Define the word biology : Define the word biology. Name and give examples of each of the eight major characteristics of life.
Differences between plants and animals at the cellular level : Research specific examples of both similarities and differences between plants and animals at the cellular level.
Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system : Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system. Distinguish between components of neurons and glial cells.
How are single-celled organisms organized : How are single-celled organisms organized compared to multicellular organisms?
Describe the evolution of the circulatory system : Describe the evolution of the circulatory system in the following phylum listed below. Only use the characteristics at the phylum level only.
Describe the process of primary productivity : Describe the process of primary productivity. Describe one short-term, direct effect that overharvesting crabs would have on the food web shown above.
Which is equivalent to the radius of the upper limb : Which bone in the lower limb, is equivalent (developmentally homologous) to the radius of the upper limb? Explain your answer using drawing/s.
Explaining a g-protein coupled receptor or an ion channel : Can you elaborate on the opioid receptor by explaining whether it is a G-protein coupled receptor or an ion channel?
Describe the fluid mosaic model : Why are some proteins associated with the membrane via a lipid anchor? Describe the fluid mosaic model. Why is this important for cellular function?


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