Describe the emergent behaviors that arise

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Reference no: EM133383481

Goal of Assignment 1
• The aim of Assignment 1 is provide you with an opportunity to conduct a complex (social) systems analysis:
? For this assignment you will need to identify a complex social system that you would like to study.
• You are free to choose any system. For instance, you could select a professional sports league, a social network, an extended family, a government, or any other group or organization.
• The only requirements are that your system must be (a) complex, and (b) social in nature.

• Once you have selected a system to study, you will then identify some behavior of this system that you would like to explain. The behavior of the system you
want to explain is your "explanatory challenge".
? For instance, you might want to know why certain football teams are more successful than others, why some governments tend to be corrupt, or why viral messages spread through certain social networks.

• Once you have identified your "explanatory challenge" you will then need to conduct an analysis of the system and its behavior.
? You will first start by researching your system and the behavior you want to analyze.
? This will require you to breakdown the system into its key components, analyze the system (at different levels), and identify any relevant
(emergent) behavior that can help you answer your core question.

• Step 1: Identify a complex social system that you want to study.
? You are free to choose a system of your liking, so long as it is (a) complex, and (b) social.

• Step 2: Identify a behavior of the system you would like to study and explain.
? We will call this your "explanatory challenge." Your challenge is to explain why the behavior of the system is happening, by using all the LOs, concepts, and ideas, we've covered in Unit 1.

• Step 3: Conduct background research on the system you selected.
? This may involve using the internet, scientific resources, popular articles, etc. to better understand the system and the behavior you want to study. This will ensure that your analysis is #EvidenceBased, and increase the confidence that others will have in your analysis.

• Step 4: Apply #SystemAnalysis:
? Conduct a complex system analysis by identifying:
• The key elements and structural features of the system at different levels of analysis.
• This should include, where relevant, individual agents, subgroups, and the relationships among them.
• Identify the (multiple) causal relations and feedback loops relevant to the behavior you are studying.

• Step 5: Apply #EmergentProperties:
? Describe the emergent behaviors that arise from the interactions among the agents in your system.

? Explain what aspects of the system are responsible for these emergent behaviors (i.e., why do these emergent behaviors 'emerge').

• Step 6: Use your Analysis to Answer the Explanatory Challenge:
? At this point you will have enough information about your system to answer (or attempt to answer) the question you set out to study.
? You should take all of the information that you've gathered by applying #SystemAnalysis and #EmergentProperties and use it to answer the original question you set out to address.

Section 1: System Description (200 words)

• You should begin your assignment with a brief overview of the system that you have selected.
? You should describe the system,
? Outline the question you want to answer (your "explanatory challenge"), and
? Tell the reader why this is an important question to address.
• When describing your system you should also tell the reader WHY you believe the system to be a "complex system" rather than a "merely complicated" system.

Section 2: #SystemAnalysis (200 words)

• Conduct a complex system analysis by identifying:

-The key elements and structural features of the system at different levels of analysis.
This should include, where relevant, individual agents, subgroups, and the relationships among them.
-Identify the (multiple) causal relations and feedback loops relevant to the behavior you are studying.

-Remember: The way you break down and explain your system will depend on the question that you set out to answer. Make sure to keep this in mind when you are applying #systemanalysis!

Section 3: #EmergentProperties (200 words)

• Describe the emergent behaviors that arise from the interactions among the agents in your system.
? Explain what aspects of the system are responsible for these emergent behaviors (i.e., why do these emergent behaviors 'emerge').
? Remember: the emergent behaviors you focus on will depend on the original question that you set out to answer about the system. Make sure to keep this in mind when you are applying #EmergentProperties!

Section 4: Answering The Explanatory Challenge (400 words)

• Use the information from Sections 2-3 to answer the question you outlined in Section 1.
? This section should use what you discovered in Sections 1-3, but should NOT simply repeat it.
? You should combine this information and think about how your analysis of the system, and its emergent behaviors, helps you answer the original question you had.
• You should also highlight any interesting or surprising features of the system that your analysis uncovered, and how applying #SystemAnalysis and #EmergentProperties helped you answer your original question.

Section 5: Reference section (does not count towards your word limit)

• Add a list of the sources that you refer to in your assignment (in APA style) at the end of your assignment

Reference no: EM133383481

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