Describe the elements of your strategic planning

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Reference no: EM132266667

Assignments: Intersession 1 Final Project Projection: Assemble Your Team

For the first part of your final project, assemble your team of senior management, IT, business (sales and marketing), finance, legal, and the administrative areas of the organization that can address various aspects of adoption. Explain their role in the phases of your cloud adoption project.

Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 2 Final Project Projection: Develop Your Business Case and an Enterprise Cloud Strategy

This week you need to elaborate on your business case and Enterprise Cloud Strategy. Develop an overarching cloud strategy in order to create the foundation for your project adoptions. Describe the elements of your strategic planning in your report.

Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 3 Final Project Projection: Select Your Cloud Deployment Model(s)

This week you need to select the type of cloud deployment model(s) you will use for your case study project. Develop a deployment plan and describe the elements of your plan in your report.

Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 4 Final Project Projection: Select Your Cloud Service Model(s)

This week you need to select the type of cloud service model(s) you will use for your case study project. Describe the patterns of implementation of the project infrastructure in your report.

Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 5 Final Project Projection: Determine Who Will Develop, Test and Deploy the Cloud Services

This week you need to select the most efficient method to design, develop and deploy a new cloud application for your case study project. This can be a struggle, and in many cases there is no right answer. Base your direction on the needs and capabilities of your organization. Describe your method to develop and deploy the new cloud application in your report.

Note: The design of the cloud application service is omitted since that should originate from the enterprise and requires the efforts of IT, business and administrative teams. The new service must have functional capabilities which meet the requirements of the target users and has a positive Return on Investment (ROI). It is critical that the design process is followed for the development and deployment activities.
Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 6 Final Project Projection: Develop Governance Policies and Service Agreements

This week you need to review the policies and the service agreements of your cloud provider for your case study project. Provide a summary of what your company needs to consider to adopt these policies in your report.
Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Intersession 7 Final Project Projection: Assess and Resolve Security and Privacy Issues

Security and privacy are two very critical areas of concern for would-be cloud adopters. Depending on the domain in which they work (various industries, government, education, etc.), these concerns may rank just above or below availability and performance concerns. This week you need to describe your plan to prevent overreaction and paralysis to the concerns of security and privacy in the organization for your case study project.

Your report should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Cite any outside sources used in an APA-style reference page.

Final Project: Case Study Analysis

For your Cloud Computing Final Project, complete a case study to provide a practical reference to help enterprise Information Technology (IT) and business decision-makers adopt cloud computing to solve business challenges. The case study provides a way to evaluate the market from the point of view of your organization to select a cloud architecture and an implementation approach through the use of house staff, cloud vendor(s), or both.

An organization is expected to have any or all of the Cloud Computing models, depending on its needs for speed of execution, available resources, data protection and security needs, and an array of other reasons. Based on your case study, choose the most efficient cloud service and deployment model for your organization. As the organization's consultant, provide accurate guidance to decision-makers on the selection of cloud service and deployment models. Take into consideration the organization's size, IT Infrastructure, and other needs.

Follow the Step-by-Step Cloud Computing Prescriptive Series to guarantee a successful cloud deployment from the perspective of the cloud service consumer. During the Intersession, you completed steps 1-7 of your project for review. Use the feedback from the intersession assignments as you write your final analysis. Additionally, add steps 8-10 to your final analysis.

Step-by-Step Cloud Computing Prescriptive Series:

1. Assemble your team

2. Develop a business case and an enterprise cloud strategy

3. Select cloud deployment model(s)

4. Select cloud service model(s)

5. Determine who will develop, test, and deploy the cloud services

6. Develop governance policies and service agreements

7. Assess and resolve security and privacy issues

8. Integrate with existing enterprise services

9. Develop a proof-of-concept (POC) before moving to production

10. Manage the cloud environment

Your written case study analysis should be at least 5 pages and follow proper APA format. Be sure to thoroughly address all of the items listed above, including steps 8-10.

Final Project Presentation

Prepare a presentation on your Cloud Computing Final Project case study. Your presentation should consist of at least 12 slides, not including the title or reference slides, and be between 5-10 minutes in length. Your presentation should be engaging and provide a thorough review and summary of all components of your written case study. Slides should be concise and uncluttered. Use various graphic and visual enhancements when appropriate. Be sure to provide APA-style citations for any references and images used.

You will give your presentation in Session E on the final Friday of class. Submit your PowerPoint slides prior to Session E. You should also bring your presentation to class with you on a USB drive.

Reference no: EM132266667

Questions Cloud

Discussion about the efficient disaster recovery : Project proposal on 'Efficient disaster recovery'. It is a one page single space plan for your project and a separate five source annotated reference list.
Evaluate the influence of the internet on businesses : Choose a topic from this week's course materials, and summarize what you learned about the topic. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss.
What is the pressure at the bottom of a milk : Question - If milk has a specific gravity of 1.08, what is the pressure at the bottom of a milk can 550 mm deep
What that article considers a shortcoming in bp planning : Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms "BP deepwater disaster plan failure." You will find many results. Select one article and identify.
Describe the elements of your strategic planning : For the first part of your final project, assemble your team of senior management, IT, business (sales and marketing), finance, legal, and the administrative.
Convert the pressure from gage to absolute : Require that you convert the given pressure from gage to absolute pressure. The value of the atmospheric pressure is given
Convert the given pressure from absolute to gage pressure : Require that you convert the given pressure from gage to absolute pressure or from absolute to gage pressure as indicated
Discuss about the strategic planning process : With the desire and necessary steps in the strategic planning process, there is always a leader to take the initiative and pave the way for his or her team.
Develop an overarching cloud strategy : This week you need to elaborate on your business case and Enterprise Cloud Strategy. Develop an overarching cloud strategy in order to create the foundation.


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Computer Engineering Questions & Answers

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contain at least one other functional control such as a button (Exit button) or a MenuStrip having an Exit and an About selection.

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The structure of Figure polls the peripheral devices in the order of the device numbers. Design a structure in which the order of polling (i.e., priorities).

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Write an Rcpp function that returns the sum of all positive even integers less than or equal to n, which must be non-negative.

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How to run and modify marie program Include a decision before storing and outputing result. If  value of the result is not positive (so zero or negative), set  Result value to the value ZERO (0)

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Write a one page paper on what virtual systems can be used for

  Write and test a function that is passed an array

Write and test a function that is passed an array of n integers and returns a pointer to the array cell that has the maximum value among the n integers.

  Write a statement that declares the three arrays

Write a statement that declares these three arrays. Write a program segment that loads the test file into the arrays.

  How a composite key and a composite attribute are different

At least one website reference. Must have in-text citation for all the references used. Analyze how a composite key and a composite attribute are different. Explain how each would be indicated in an ERD.

  Write a program that will display an array on the screen

Write a program that will display an array of 56 doubles on the screen, reverse the order of the array's values, and then display the array again.

  Create a soft link in progs called mylink

Create a soft link in progs called mylink, which is a relative soft link to the thismonth file in your home directory.

  What is the level of the tree

What are the indices for all nodes at level four in the tree.What is the level of the tree.

  When you viewed the verbal and the nonverbal together

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