Reference no: EM131650785
Part 1
1. Belsky believed that ____ play/s the most important role in parenting behavior.
a. Social support
b. Child characteristics and behavior
c. Parents' personality
d. a and b
2. Parents launch children on a positive trajectory of development when they
a. are protective and vigilant concerning the child's progress.
b. establish a secure attachment to their infant.
c. let toddlers have complete freedom to explore.
d. b and c
3. The "zone of proximal development" and "scaffolding" are key concepts of ________theory.
a. Piaget's
b. Erikson's
c. Kohlberg's
d. Vygotsky's
4. Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems Theory of environmental influences on development includes the concept of the exosystem, described as
a. the environment that is external to the individual.
b. those institutions and agencies that influence the child's daily life but do not include the child.
c. the broad cultural context of the child's life.
d. a and c
5. Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems Theory of reciprocally interacting environmental influences on development includes the concept of mesosystem, described as
a. the connections or interrelationships between or among microsystems.
b. the immediate settings that a person encounters and the interactions and activities within those settings.
c. a and b
d. none of the above
6. Underlying assumptions of Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems Theory include:
a. Children play a role in their own development.
b. Interactions between a child and his/her environment are often bi-directional
c. a and b
d. none of the above.
7. Erik Erikson differs from other theorists in specifying
a. stages of development through adulthood.
b. strengths that develop from having a positive balance of experiences.
c. the critical role of the father.
d. a and b.
8. Children differ not in whether they are attached to parents, but in the ___________of the attachment.
a. timing
b. quality
c. endurance
d. none of the above.
9. According to Attachment Theory:
a. From interactions with caregivers, children develop internal working models of how other people will behave toward them.
b. Early parent-child relationships affect how adults form romantic relationships and parent their own children.
c. a and b
d. none of the above
10. Secure attachments contribute to children's compliance because
a. feeling secure, they pay attention to parents' messages.
b. children imitate parents' behavior.
c. children worry about breaking rules and getting in trouble.
d. children are afraid that parents will leave them.
11. A parent who follows Vygotsky's theory (with a focus on cognitive development) would
a. only observe children's behavior/performance in order to minimize the parent's role in the child's learning.
b. guide the child to a more mature level of functioning through questions, hints, and prompts.
c. let the child learn by constructing his own answers to problems.
d. a and c
12. Changes over time in the nature of the parent-child attachment may occur due to
a. parental divorce.
b. a move to a new town.
c. a stressful experience.
d. all of the above
13. A parent who follows Piaget's theory of knowing about the world would, in dealing with a five year old,
a. tailor explanations to the child's level of understanding about the world.
b. respect the child and treat him or her like a reasoning adult.
c. teach the child about the world by instruction.
d. none of the above
14. In the first year of a child's life, parents are in what Ellen Galinsky identified as the ______ stage.
a. image making
b. nurturing
c. dependent
d. providing
15. Challenges and stresses of new parents include:
a. time-related adjustments
b. personal identity
c. marital satisfaction
d. all of the above
16. According to Ellen Galinsky, parents of preschool children are in the _______ stage.
a. interpretive
b. nurturing
c. authority
d. none of the above.
17. According to Ellen Galinsky, parents of elementary-school-age children are in the stage where they
a. nurture children.
b. give children freedom and independence.
c. interpret the world to them.
d. none of the above.
18. Which of the following characteristics of children has been shown to be the most single powerful influence on parents' behavior toward their children?
a. Age
c. Gender
d. Birth order
19. Which of the following is not characteristic of authoritative parents?
a. they are high in involvement with their children and low in strictness.
b. they are controlling and demanding.
c. they are nurturing and communicative with their children.
d. they integrate the needs of the child with those of other family members.
20. The discipline method of natural and logical consequences means
a. parents discipline in ways that are natural to them.
b. children learn from the natural or logical consequence of their behavior.
c. children are disciplined when their behavior is not natural or logical.
d. all of the above.
21. The method of natural and logical consequences is not useful
a. whenthere is risk of danger to the child.
b. because it does not include punishment.
c. because there is no discussion of the disapproved behavior.
d. all of the above.
22. Which of the following have research studies shown to be related to children's general competence?
a. Child's attachment to parent
b. Parenting patterns/styles
c. Parenting behaviors.
d. all of the above.
23. When parents do not resolve their arguments and remain angry and unhappy, children suffer
a. isolation
b. emotional insecurity
c. isolation
d. pre-occupation
24. Increased viewing of violent television in childhood is associated with
a. increased childhood aggression.
b. increased avoidance of aggressive behavior in adulthood.
c. increased physical aggressiveness in men and women in adulthood.
d. a and c.
25. Research evidence indicates that paternal involvement makes a difference for children in the following ways:
a. The presence of a father figure was associated with better cognitive performance.
b. The presence of a father figure was associated with a feeling of self-competence.
c. Support from a father or father figure was associated with less feelings of depression.
d. all of the above.
Part 2: Answer the following questions in paragraph form.
Note: You do not need to cite and reference your sources of information.
26. Describe the difference between discipline and punishment. Give examples of each.
27. Describe and provide examples of at least three actions parents can take to help elementary schoolage children develop pro-social behavior and self-regulation.
28. Identify and describe ways in which parents guide their children's trajectories of development. Be specific. Include examples.