Reference no: EM131337002 , Length: 6
Assignment: Let's Get Radical
Relying on information learned and read in this class and at least two (2) outside references, write a four to six (4-6) page paper based on the Radical Behaviorist Approach. For purposes of writing your scenario, your character is named Rad and you are the Instructor. The scenario should be based on the following steps outlined in your book:
Step One - Set Behavioral Goals. Describe the desired behavior you would like Rad to achieve. Note: Consider what have you observed about Rad related to the desired behavior.
Step Two - Determine Appropriate Reinforcers. Define reinforcers, and explain the reinforcers that you have selected for the desired behavioral outcome for Rad. Include the primary reasons why the selected reinforcers are appropriate for Rad, you (the Instructor), and the environment.
Step Three - Select Procedures for Changing Behavior. Describe the procedures that you implemented to achieve the desired behavior in Rad, and specify the main reasons why you chose these procedures.
Step Four - Implement Procedures and Record Results. Discuss the implementation of the procedures that you chose in Step 3, and create fictional results. Explain the method(s) that you used to observe the results.
Step Five - Evaluate and Revise. Discuss the method(s) that you used to evaluate the effectiveness of your desired behavioral change in Rad, and determine the major revisions you may consider to your program in the future.
The format of the report is to be as follows:
Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.
Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.
In addition to the four to six (4-6) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor's name, the course title, and the date.
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