Describe the debate you had with hayden

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13733944

Essay Assignment A: You find yourself, a young pro-war reporter, interviewing the "living ghost" of Dwight D Eisenhower a few weeks ago in a television studio, just as you were learning about his 1960 speech on the military-industrial complex. Please describe the debate you had with Ike, focusing especially on two equally reasonable ways to see the growth of the US military complex since WWII.

Essay Assignment B: You find yourself, a conservative mayor in Port Huron, debating Tom Hayden, the main author of the Port Huron Statement, just as you were learning about this document from the 1960s. Please describe the debate you had with Hayden, focusing especially on two equally reasonable ways to see the leftist politics of the 1960s.

Reference no: EM13733944

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