Reference no: EM131207589 , Length: word count:1500
Instructions for the task
*It is a report with 7 sections , all of the answers to all of the sections need to go into a single word document.
*students should do section 3 first, If they understand it is basic market research they should have a rough idea of what is going on, sample output is given on pages 4,5 and 6 the end of this document
After finishing the assignment students should check the marking scheme
Overview :Each student will be given a sample from a large population and each student will analyse their own sample.
the data and a short description of the data is given in a separate excel file , This is on Moodle or you can click the link
Section 0: Cover sheet
You do need a cover sheet with the following
Student number, (this is very important it lets the marker check you have used numbers based on your student
Subject: bus105 business statistics
Assignment: Computing Assignment
Section 1: Introduction
Give an introduction to the assignment by giving a similar examples of a sample and a population and explain how it is useful in business, you should discuss this with your tutor. There are examples in the chapter 1 notes on moodle or you can look at
Section 2: Description of the data set
Describe the dataset and describe each of the variables,
For each variable answer the question is it categorical or numerical?
The dataset is based on survey questions so propose 2 other survey questions
Section 3:Summary of the data set
a) For the variable how much they would pay?below give graphical and numerical summaries that describes the variable
(in other words give the appropriate univariate statistics and graphical displays)
Also provide give appropriate comments
b) Use the filter to exclude the people that do not like the product and find appropriate numerical summaries for the follow variable
i) *Variable which version they prefer
ii) *Variable How much they would pay?
Also provide suitable comments
c) For each pair of variables below give appropriate graphical and numerical summaries that describes the relationship between use these to summaries to compare males and females.
(in other words give the appropriate bivariate statistics and graphical displays)
i)The variables: Gender and do they like the product?
ii)The variables How much they would pay?and gender
Section 4: Confidence intervals
Note: you will have to use the information in section 3b to answer these questions.
Excluding people that do not like the product
i) Find a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of people that prefer version 1
ii) Find a 90% confidence interval for the average amount they would pay
Section 5: Hypothesis tests
Note: use the information from question 3c to answer these questions
Perform the appropriate Hypothesis test,
i) *The variables: Gender and do they like the product
ii) *The variables How much they would pay? and gender
Section 6 : the problems of getting survey data in the real world
The data set in the assignment is not real world data because every student needs their own sample to prevent copying,Discuss the problems of getting survey data in the real world , Also give an example of an actual product and give appropriate survey questions.
Section 7: conclusion
Discuss what you learnt after thinking about the previous sections. Make sure you give a discussion of the results from section 4 and 5
You have a different sample so your numbers will be different
Section 3:Summary of the data set
a) For each variable below give a graphical and numerical summaries that describes the variable
*Variable: How much they would pay?
Add suitable comments
b) Use the filter to only include the people that like the product and find appropriate numerical summaries for the follow variable
iii) *Variable which version they prefer
iv) *Variable How much they would pay?
3c For each pair of variables below give appropriate graphical and numerical summaries that describes the variable
(in other words give the appropriate bivariate statistics and graphical displays)
i)The variables: Gender and do they like the product ?
ii)The variables How much they would pay? and gender
Course description Assessment 3 Assessment Type: Computer assignment - analysis and 1500 + 10% word report - individual assessment
Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of statistical analysis and the ability summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results in a business context. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcome a, b, c and d.
Due: Total value 25% Preparation quizzes 5% Final report 20% Due Date: Week 10 5:00 pm Friday of Week 10 Submission: Preparatory Quizzes - access and submit via Moodle links Report (Word .doc or .docx) with analysis tables etc. as attachments - upload to Moodle. Report Only - upload to Moodle and Turnitin Topic: What do the figures mean?
Task Details: Students will be presented with a set of numerical data, and a business scenario. From this you will need to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results. Preparatory Quizzes Before you begin your analysis and report, you need to do the Preparatory Quizzes to ensure you are familiar with the concepts and techniques involved. You may attempt the Quizzes as many times as you like - each new attempt will overwrite the previous attempt. Only the last attempts will be marked. Report The analysis and conclusions you draw from the analysis needs to be presented in a short report including all relevant analysis either as part of the report or as attachments referred to in appropriate sections of the report.
Presentation: The report needs to be short report format - 1500 + 10% word report format - Word .doc or .docx Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub- headings, recommendations, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard - Anglia style), attachments. Marking Guide: Preparatory Quizzes: 5% total - individual marks will be identified with each quiz in Moodle Report: Presentation and manipulation of data 20% Analysis 30% Findings / conclusions 25% Presentation 20% Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 and added to the Preparatory Quiz marks for a final mark out of 25.
Attachment:- computing assignment.rar