Describe the current complaint and primary medical diagnosis

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133653413


Diagnosis: pancreatic cancer

Judit is an 86 years old female come to ED with symptom of worsening abdominal pain. Reports having constant aching around umbilicus. She has had chronic abdominal pain from pancreatic cancer. It is worse and sharp in intensity. Has been taking oxycodone. Has been eating and drinking only baby food. No nausea, vomiting denies fever or trauma. Not had chemo and radiation treatment. pancreatic cancer w/Mets to bones and liver.

1) Describe the relationship between any disease and/or risk factors in PMH that may have contributed to the development of the problem (which disease likely developed FIRST that began the "domino effect?).

2) Describe the relationship between the current complaint and primary medical diagnosis.

Reference no: EM133653413

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