Describe the culture of the organization

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131215054 , Length: Word count:1500


TASK: Using essay format and structure, develop a personal leadership model that applies at least six (6) concepts from the text book. Refer to the examples and instructions provided in the textbook for guidance and apply the following guidelines to your leadership model:

  • Explain the main organizing idea or issue in your leadership model? E.G. credibility, vision, traits, relationships, etc.
  • Describe what you consider to be the most important traits, skills and tasks of an effective leader.
  • Explain the core values that your leadership model emphasises.
  • Explain how the relationships in the organisation/group that exist will benefit as a result of using your leadership model.
  • Describe the culture of the organization/group that would exist if your model was used.
  • Explain what the leadership practiced in your model is seeking to achieve?
  • Explain why your leadership model is different than what currently exists? If it is not different, explain why you have elected for the status quo.
  • Explain how you will personally apply your leadership model.

Prescribed Book -

Shriberg, A & Shriberg, D 2011, Practicing Leadership Principles and Applications, 4th edn, Wiley, USA. ISBN: 978-0-470-08698-8.

Verified Expert

Personal leadership model is presented. A brief essay provided to further explain the characteristics of the personal leadership model. Also there are details provided regarding what makes up the important traits of an effective leader, benefits of the proposed strategy as well as the factors that makes up important elements of the implementation etc. Solution provided in the template format provided with.

Reference no: EM131215054

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9/21/2016 5:03:48 AM

Need professional assignment only. I am sending you next assignment of leadership, please check all attachment for making this; including PPT format & please refer prescribed book Practicing Leadership Principles and Applications according to tutor this is all about from that book. Reflect on the guidelines above and derive a personal leadership model based on your reflections. Write an essay that describes and explains your personal leadership model with reference to at least three (3) major areas of leadership and which justifies how your model will benefit you and those you work with. Reference – 4 to 5 including text book.

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