Reference no: EM131333990
Task 1
In Task 1 answer each section with brief, factual and concise statements.
1 Prepare a detailed flow chart illustrating the process of quality control that is employed within your area of responsibility. Include notes referring to the frequency of implementation of the process and the role responsible for carrying out the quality control checks or inspections.
When you have completed your flow chart:
d. Identify and describe the critical aspects of your quality control process and what they are seeking to achieve. (Assessment Criteria 1.1)
e. Identify areas of weakness or vulnerability in the quality control process. (Assessment Criteria 1.2)
f. Propose solutions to rectify areas of weakness or vulnerability.(Assessment Criteria 1.3, 3.3)
Key Words: Quality, Efficiency, Frequency, Correctness, Right First Time, Presentation
2 Explain why it is important for the organisation you represent to provide:
a. Excellent service to its customers (Assessment Criteria 2.1)
b. Empathetic care for its customers (Assessment Criteria 2.1)
Key Words: Loyalty, Retention, Recommendation, Relationship, Satisfaction, Commitmen
3 Describe the possible effects that may result from a failure to resolve issues of:
a. Low Quality of products and services (Assessment Criteria 3.1)
b. Poor Performance and Attitude by customer facing staff (Assessment Criteria 3.3)
Key Words: Quality, Efficiency, Correctness, Ethos, Values, Policy, Concern, Empathy, Understanding
4 Carry out a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) analysis on the standards and commitments of customer service and care that you currently provide for your customers. First consider what actually does happen and not what should happen. Next consider any policies that may be in place to determine what should be happening. Please remember, Strengths and Weaknesses are mostly evaluating internal aspects and Opportunities and Threats are mostly external.
5. In consultation with your manager or assessor, use the findings of the SWOT analysis you produced in 4. Above to rate the standard or performance in each area. Make suitable comments to justify your scores. This is particularly important if you give a specific factor a very low or very high rating.
KEY WORDS: Assess, Measure, Justify
a. From the findings of the SWOT analysis you produced in 4, list the findings of your SWOT on to an analysis chart (as suggested below). Then grade the standards of each entry to indicate a key issue that is effectively controlled and utilised through to issues that exist, but were not previously the subject of any action or activity.
(Assessment Criteria 3.2)
b. Select one WEAKNESSES from the list you have created in 4a. above. (Assessment Criteria 1.2)
c. Prepare an action plan to develop the identified Weakness into a strength and benefit of your service that will enhance the customer experience when dealing with your department or organisation. (Assessment Criteria 2.3, 3.3)
d. Clearly explain:
i. the structure of your benefit
ii. how it will help your customers
iii. the conditions under which the benefit will be provided. (Assessment Criteria 2.1, 2.3, 3.3)
Customer reception area
e. Select one OPPORTUNITY from the list you have created in 4a. above and repeat the above format for the opportunity selected.
(Assessment Criteria 2.1, 2.3, 3.3)
Key Words: Investigate, Evaluate, Minimise, Control, Develop, improve
6. Describe briefly five popular causes of complaint that are made openly to your area of responsibility or to the organisation.
a. Describe five causes of customer dissatisfaction that may not become the subject of complaint, but may lead to the customer looking else where to make future purchases. (Assessment Criteria 5.1)
b. Explain the methods and tools that can be used to measure customers' satisfaction with your service and products (Assessment Criteria 4.1)
7. Answer the questions following the scenario below with brief, factual statements.
A customer has come into the premises of the organisation you work for and complained to your senior manager about the quality of work that has been carried out on their vehicle.
The nature of the complaint accuses your department of not carrying out the work correctly and is inferring that the customer has been charged for work that he thinks has not been done.
The vehicle was purchased from the organisation you work for and all warranties expired five months ago. The customer has been presented with an invoice for the work carried out and is refusing to pay the sum asked.
After the customer had departed, your senior manager came to you and asked you to handle the issue. The only information you have is described above.
a. What procedure will you adopt to handle this situation? (Assessment Criteria 5.2, 5.3)
b. How will you establish if the customer's complaint is justified or not? (Assessment Criteria 5.2, 5.1)
c. How will you respond to the customer in the first instance? (Assessment Criteria 5.1, 5.3)
On examination of the cause of the complaint you find that the customer's complaint is justified. The cause of the work being incomplete is found to be in a misunderstanding between the service advisor and the technician carrying out the work. The subject of the complaint concerns additional work that was sold to the customer by the service advisor. The additional work was based on an issues advised by the technician when vehicle was being inspected.
d. Describe how will you handle this situation with customer. (Assessment Criteria 5.1, 5.2)
e. What measures will you put in place to ensure that this complaint should not re-occur with other customers. (Assessment Criteria 5.2, 5.4)