Describe the critical actions of management

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131066947

Discussion 1

"Incident Response Team Charter" Please respond to the following:

• Imagine that you are part of an organization that has recently formed an incident response team (IRT). You need to draft an initial address to the team members. Respond with your initial address to the team members overviewing the elements of the incident response team charter and the potential challenges that an IRT could encounter.

• Determine the actions of the incident response team that are the most critical in the event of a major incident or disaster.

Discussion 2
"Containing and Minimizing Damage during an Incident" Please respond to the following:

• In addition to the incident response team, every member of an organization has a role to play during an incident to mitigate the impact of an incident.

o Describe the critical actions of all employees during a major incident or a disaster.
o Describe the critical actions of management during a major incident or a disaster.

Personal finance


• Watch the Chapter 12 Kiplinger video, "Investing in Bonds", (2 min 20 s). Be prepared to discuss.

• Go to the Get Smarter About Money Website and take the "Risk Profile Quiz" located at, Be prepared to discuss.

• Watch the Chapter 13 Kiplinger videos, "Be a Better Fund Investor", (1 min 41 s), and "Mutual Fund Basics", (2 min 01 s). Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion 1

Investing in Stocks and Bonds

• From the first e-Activity, explain two (2) key steps you would take in deciding into which of the stocks or bonds you should consider placing funds. Justify your response.

• From the second e-Activity, discuss your risk tolerance from the Risk Profile Quiz in relation to investing. Based on your risk tolerance, provide at least three (3) examples of the types of instruments in which you should invest.


Investing in Mutual Funds

• From the third e-Activity, identify two (2) key differences between a load and a no load mutual fund. Describe specific aspects of each type of fund that an investor needs to consider before including the investment in their portfolio. Provide a rationale for your response.

• Tabby would like to begin investing in her local real estate market, but she is unsure how to begin. Given what you have learned from your reading of Chapter 13, summarize the advice that you would give her in terms of the two (2) initial steps she should take. Provide specific examples of each of the steps in action to support your rationale.

Essentials of Exporting & Importing


"The Right Way" Please respond to the following:

• At times, purchasing agents of all kinds have to make difficult decisions. From the case study, determine why you think Bullock Studios arrived at the decision to properly enter the cameras and camera cases.

• Review the Compliance Management Structure found in Chapter 13 and discuss how you would apply it to the Bullock Studios case study.

Discussion 2

"Compliance Management" Please respond to the following:

• To ensure that compliance management is effectively implemented, senior management endorsement, education and training, and ownership are necessary. Describe how you would manage all of these elements in order to become the "go to" person in your company.

• Evaluate how the audit process monitors the compliance management structure to ensure its purpose is intact.

Reference no: EM131066947

Questions Cloud

What is a columbarium : In the ancient Roman death and funeral culture, extensive use of something called a columbarium was seen. What is a columbarium?
Funeral practice of having the widow : Suttee, the funeral practice of having the widow of a deceased man burned to death on his funeral pyre, is found in branches of which religious culture?
How investors view this firm''s book value : Investors consider that the firm's market value is worth very much less than its book value.
Piece of sporting equipment : Examples of things/people you might describe: a family heirloom, a child, a religious memento, a piece of sporting equipment, an object from your favorite hobby, etc.
Describe the critical actions of management : From the third e-Activity, identify two (2) key differences between a load and a no load mutual fund. Describe specific aspects of each type of fund that an investor needs to consider before including the investment in their portfolio. Provide a r..
Forerunner of communications : In 1942, Donald Hings and Alfred J. Gross created 'packsets', devices used to great effect during World War II. This was the forerunner of what communications technology?
What recommendations do you have for alicia : what extent do you think it might be advisable for Alicia to simply switch fields, such as going into traditional real estate selling, so she can stay better self-motivated?
Review about writing into categories : Divide what you should review about writing into categories, and consider how you might best refresh your memory? At least 250 words
Determine the minimum surge tank size : Assignment- Open Channel and Pipeline Flow: Determine the minimum surge tank size (nearest ½ m) to satisfy the max. allowable height. For the case of complete closure (Q changes from 15 + N1 m3/s to Q = 0)


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