Reference no: EM133087061
Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry
Question 1: Understand and critically compare the range of methodologies used in synthesising heterogeoneous catalytic material including pre- and post-treatments applied to enhance/control catalytic activity.
Question 2: Describe the control of surface features, material phases and compositions that can be achieved using a variety of synthetic approaches.
Question 3: Understand the characterisation methods used for heterogeneous catalytic materials and discuss the information which each method provides and critically discuss the data obtained from each method including the interpretation to gain information on catalyst structure.
Question 4: Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target reactions in the Green Chemistry and Energy sectors, evaluate experimental measures of catalytic activity, selectivity and deactivation using sample data sets and critically discuss the information obtained.
Question 5: Describe in situ measurements that are used to scope out elementary surface reactions during catalysis and how these relate to catalytic performance.
Question 6: Understand the main computational chemistry approaches used in the simulation of catalytic materials and catalysed reactions and reflect on the reliability of the links between model and real systems.
Question 7: Describe the use of computer simulation in establishing the electronic and geometric features of active sites on catalyst surfaces and critically discuss the benefits and limitations of each method.
Question 8: Understand how computer simulation is applied to map out reaction energetics for key steps in heterogeneously catalysed reactions and use the potential energy surfaces generated to describe the likely key steps in a reaction.
Question 9: Relate computational and experimental information on catalytic system structure and performance and come to a balanced understanding of the link between catalyst structure and performance.