Describe the context of the cited passage who is speaking

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Reference no: EM131202564

Part A - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 3-37.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part B - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 38-58.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part C - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 258-266.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part D - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 272-299.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part E - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 373-391.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part F - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 392-416.


A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Part G - From Plato to Derrida, 6th edition: pp. 681-720.

A. Selected Passage

Type out in full a passage from this week's reading assignment that you would like to comment on. The passage should be between 5-8 sentences long. You may choose any passage you are interested in thinking about. Use quotation marks. Supply a page number.

B. Analysis

Offer an analysis of your cited passage. This analysis should contain the following three sections.

1. In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details?

2. In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), offer a careful analysis of the passage's argument. Identify the main point or thesis for which the author is arguing. Identify particular reasons given or implied that support this main point. Identify the evidence offered in favor of the main thesis and any evidence that corroborates the supporting reasons.

3. In the third paragraph (4-5 sentences), describe why this particular argument or idea is important to the philosopher's larger concerns. In particular, clearly state the author's general aim or overall thesis for the entire reading assignment, clearly state the author's particular aim in the passage analyzed above, and (most importantly) clearly state how the particular, analyzed passage relates to the general aim.

C. Cultural Comparison

Write at least two paragraphs comparing the logic of the above argument to a scene from a movie, TV show, song, or commercial. In the first paragraph, describe the scene, song, etc. In the second paragraph explain in detail how the scene, song, etc. illustrates the logic of the argument.

D. Online Resources

Supply addresses for two websites that helped you to understand this week's reading assignment. Rate their usefulness on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the least useful, 5 being the most useful). Offer brief descriptions (4-5 sentences) of the websites' content. Avoid "easy" websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia. In addition, post these websites, along with their ratings, in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, both reviews must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

E. Philosophy Dictionary

Provide a concise, philosophical definition for the technical term assigned to you this week. (Note: check this week's discussion post for your assignment). Begin by citing two definitions, including the sources, and then supply your own single sentence synthesis of these two definitions. In addition, post your single sentence synthesis in the weekly discussion post dedicated to this topic on the discussion list.

Though part of this assignment is being shared with the rest of the class on the discussion list, all three definitions must also be included in the assignment itself in order to receive a grade. Public discussion posts are not graded.

Reference no: EM131202564

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Describe the context of the cited passage who is speaking : In the first paragraph (3-4 sentences), describe the context of the cited passage. Who is speaking? What is their aim? Are there any relevant historical details
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