Describe the context of an information system

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Reference no: EM132291216

Assessment - Understanding the Problem

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:

• be able to describe the context of an information system;
• be able to compare and contrast the different methodologies of systems analysis and evaluate their appropriateness for different and complex situations;
• be able to distinguish between requirement gathering techniques and combine these appropriately to apply to a real scenario;
• be able to evaluate development requirements and prepare a feasibility proposal based on multi-disciplinary (financial, human resource, technological) analyses;
• be able to formulate and justify system requirement models based on evaluation of given situations;
• be able to assemble the components of a requirements model using the tools and techniques of object oriented or structured systems modelling.

Task Background

NewAccess is a mental health intervention which initially targeted youth aged 17 to 25, and is in the process of being expanded to young people as young as 12, and also to Indigenous youth.

Headspace is one of several organizations trialling this new system. NewAccess particularly targets depression and anxiety. One of the problems identified was that a young person with a mental illness might see multiple professionals before getting the help they need. Each time they need to re-tell their ‘story'. Soon the young people clam up and say very little, making it harder for professionals to help them. Initially, they might see a Headspace caseworker, then medical staff in a hospital emergency department, perhaps a General Practitioner, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and others.

Imagine that you are the analyst tasked with building a system that will capture the ‘story' the first time it is told. This will give access to successive professionals, so that case notes and the story can become enriched, and the young person can be assisted more appropriately.
Complete the Following

You are a Systems Analyst that is part of a project that is being currently being proposed. Your task is to develop a Vision Document for this project.

You are to describe the problem in your own words, and the capabilities and benefits. You need to create a Project Vision Document which contains:
• Problem
• Capabilities
• Benefits
Specific analysis techniques have not been taught yet, so this assignment does not require technical descriptions.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to describe the context of an information system.
• be able to distinguish between requirement gathering techniques and combine these appropriately to apply to a real scenario.
• be able to evaluate development requirements and prepare a feasibility proposal based on multi-disciplinary (financial, human resource, technological) analyses.
• be able to formulate and justify system requirement models based on evaluation of given situations.

Assessment - Requirements Gathering

Further background
Refer to background information provided in Assessment 1 regarding the NewAccess project.

Headspace in NSW was one organization tasked with trialing NewAccess with people aged as young as 12. In 2005 the Australian Government allocated $54 million to establish the National Youth Mental Health Foundation (later to be named Headspace).

"Our brief is to make sure services are available at the earliest possible point when problems emerge. The criteria to get help is pretty simple - you must be 12 - 25. That's it."

Aimed to address the health and well-being concerns of young people by providing a holistic platform for care. This would give teenagers and young adults comfort that their support will be coordinated and integrated across primary and specialist care, and not just focus on the ‘illness' but also social inclusion and recovery.

Complete the Following
Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress.

Consider that funding has been approved for the project. You are the business systems analyst assigned to the project, you will need to produce:

Stakeholder map

• Draw stakeholder role names on a stakeholder map with 4 quadrants:
Internal-Operation, Internal-Executive, External-Operation, External-Executive
• For each stakeholder, describe why they have an interest in the project.

Create one questionnaire that you would send to one stakeholder group with an aim to help you identify further details about the environment, the problem area and/or how the system would operate to help solve the problem.
• Identify which stakeholder you are going to send the questionnaire to.
• Write an introduction statement that would go with the questionnaire explaining the purpose of the questionnaire.
• Write 10 questions, either open and/or closed ended questions.
• This should be written as a questionnaire that could be distributed.
• Only write the questions, you should not write the answers.

Use Case diagram and descriptions
• Draw a use case model for the information system.
• Write brief Use Case description for each Use Case in the diagram.
• Write one fully developed Use Case description for one of the important Use Cases. Select an important Use Case that is a key part of the system, not a basic simple Use Case.

Assessment - Requirements Report

Further Background

Refer to background information provided in Assessments 1 and 2 regarding the Headspace NewAccess project.
The project is considering cloud-based solutions which should be investigated. Consider various aspects of cloud-based solutions such as data security, which includes data ownership (by Headspace, the young person, medical professionals etc). As well as other relevant aspects of cloud solutions.
Complete the Following
Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress.
Non-Functional Requirements
• This sets out the critical system qualities, system interfaces, user interface requirements, and system constraints.
• Use to ‘FURPS+' acronym as reference, and ensure that you cover the non-functional aspects of the acronym, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Security.
Review of cloud-based
A review of the strengths and weaknesses of cloud-based solutions, taking into consideration the environment in which the solution will be deployed.
SDLC Approach

Write a brief description of the Pros and Cons to approaching the project using the ‘Predictive' SDLC, then the Pros and Cons to approach the project as ‘Adaptive' SDLC. Then recommend either Predictive or Adaptive to the SDLC for the project and briefly describe why.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to describe the context of an information system.
• be able to compare and contrast the different methodologies of systems analysis and evaluate their appropriateness for different and complex situations.
• be able to distinguish between requirement gathering techniques and combine these appropriately to apply to a real scenario.
• be able to formulate and justify system requirement models based on evaluation of given situations.
• be able to assemble the components of a requirements model using the tools and techniques of object oriented or structured systems modelling.

This assessment aligns with learning outcomes
o be able to describe the context of an information system;
o be able to compare and contrast the different methodologies of systems analysis and evaluate their appropriateness for different and complex situations;
o be able to distinguish between requirement gathering techniques and combine these appropriately to apply to a real scenario;
o be able to evaluate development requirements and prepare a feasibility proposal based on multi-disciplinary (financial, human resource, technological) analyses;
o be able to formulate and justify system requirement models based on the evaluation of given situations;
o be able to assemble the components of a requirements model using the tools and techniques of object-oriented or structured systems modeling.

Attachment:- System Analysis PG.rar

Reference no: EM132291216

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4/23/2019 1:34:29 AM

2.Review of cloud based solution Maximum 8 Marks Clearly identified strengths and weaknesses of cloud solutions. As well as apply indepth understanding of the environment that the solution would be used in. Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. 3. SDLC Approach Maximum 8 marks Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding in relation to SDLC approach. Has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.


4/23/2019 1:34:18 AM

CRITERIA High Distinction 1.Non- Functional Requirements Maximum 10 Marks Specifies the qualities/ non- behavioural requirements that can be used to judge the operation of the system. Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.


4/23/2019 1:34:04 AM

3.Functional Requirements Maximum 16 Marks Use Case Model and descriptions, including a critical core use case. Demonstrates breadth and depth of Criteria High Distinction (HD) understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.


4/23/2019 1:33:51 AM

Criteria High Distinction (HD) 1.Stakeholder map Maximum 5 Marks Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. Clearly shows Stakeholder map. 2.Questionnaire Maximum 5 Marks 10 or more questions are stated that demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights to and awareness of many of the deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Evidence of having read beyond the core material.


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3.Referencing and Citation Maximum 3 Marks Referencing is consistently accurate and according to the APA standard. All references are cited in the text. At least 5 references provided.


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Criteria High Distinction 1. Content of the Vision Document Maximum 4 Marks Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. 2. Clarity of expression and presentation of response Maximum 3 Marks Highly developed skills in expression and presentation of response. Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task. Grammar and spelling accurate. Well-organised.

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