Describe the contents of the given article

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131516356

Assignment: Distributed Databases- WEB

You are to find a recent article on distributed databases on the web and describe the contents of the article in YOUR OWN WORDS in a research paper that you are to write. . In your own words means that not even one sentence can be copied from the article. Not even phrases from the article can be used. If you want to quote it, it must be in quotes. However, the majority of the paper that you write must be in your own words and not quotes. Failure to write your own words will result in a very poor grade, perhaps a zero.

Your paper should be at least2,500 words long. You MUST send me your paper as well as the original article as an attachment which is not compressed and can be read as a WORD document not a PDF. You should email the paper. The original article must not be a link but the actual article in WORD (not a PDF)

You must choose a substantial article. It must have something new to say or it can report on an actual case in industry, government or university. It cannot be from a textbook or tutorial. It must be something that was considered newsworthy. The article must have been published in the last 24 months. A substantial article must be at least seven pages of words. It should not be filled with diagrams, charts or pictures. The paper should be at least 3,000 words long. To sum it up:

1. Article must be some new work not a tutorial or an excerpt from a textbook.

2. Article must be at least 3,000 words and at least 7 pages long. Both are requirements.

3. You must send me the article as a WORD document not a link not a PDF!

4. Your paper must be at least 2,500 words long.

5. It must be a word document.

6. It must follow the guidelines listed below. You must use the EXACT words for the headings. Do not use other words. The headings must stand out from the paper using a large font and bold.

7. It must be on time.

Failure to do abide by these rules will result in loss of points. No excuses allowed.

I will accept the paper EARLY but will not accept it LATE.

Please note that the following is EXPECTED.

1) Use spell check - no spelling mistakes allowed. I will deduct points for spelling mistakes.

2) There must be an introduction at the beginning of the paper with the word introduction bolded and underlined followed by the introduction at the beginning of your paper.


This is the introduction .......

3) Following the introduction, you place a section that explains the paper.


This paper describes the ........

4) The next section states your opinion. What parts of the paper you agree with and which parts you disagree with. You need to explain your opinion thoroughly. A few sentences are insufficient.


I agree with ..... because of the following reasons. I do not agree with ... because of the following reasons.

5) There must be a summary right after the "MY OPINION" section.


6) There must be a bibliography at the end of the paper which must appear as follows:


Here you should put the bibliography

7) Thus, your paper should have the following sections in this order. The headings below should be in your paper so that it is easy to follow. The headings below should be in upper case, bolded and underlined.

If you substitute your own words like "ABSTRACT", "CONCLUSION" or "CITATION", I will deduct points.






Article: Perfopticon: Visual Query Analysis for Distributed Databases by Dominik Moritz, Daniel Halperin, Bill Howe and Jeffrey Heer.

Reference no: EM131516356

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Describe the contents of the given article : You are to find a recent article on distributed databases on the web and describe the contents of the article in YOUR OWN WORDS in a research paper.
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