Describe the connection between the evidenced based practice

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Reference no: EM133522980

Assignment: Library Project


A. Identify professional organizations that set the standards of care for the topic.

B. Explore professional organization website for information and guidelines related to topic.

C. Review current evidence-based practice recommendations related to the chosen topic using research and professional articles from professional websites and available library resources.

D. Describe the connection between the evidenced based practice recommendations and Healthy People 2030 initiatives.

E. Look at links from HP 2030 website to find strategies that are being used to reach Healthy People goals.

F. Explain the local facilities that give care and education for your topic

G. Locate one research article on the chosen topic. The research article must be current (less than 5 years old).

H. Compare patient care recommendations with the findings in your research article

I. Verbalize the relationship between research, clinical practice, and professional nursing.

Topics: To be provided


A. Determine one topic or focus

B. Go on-line to find information about the topic, and recommendations for care related to your topic. Utilize one of the following websites, or you can use another professional organization that would be considered an "expert" on your topic.

For example, topic Opioid Crisishere are several websites you could reference:

1. American Nurses Association webpage on the Opioid Epidemic.

2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

3. The Allegany County Health Department's initiative Prescribe Change.

4. Additional professional websites:

a. Center Disease Control website.

b. Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses website.

c. American Academy of Pediatrics website.

C. Save the guidelines (including the URL address). Print one hard copy per group to turn in with your assignment.

D. Next, do a search from the ACM library databases (

1. Choose the Database CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO)

2. Under the search bar click Advanced Search

a. Keywords: use topic first, if unsuccessful try different wording (i.e. breastfeeding, lactation, nursing)

b. Search Options:

Limit your results check the box for Full Textand Research Article
Published Date: enter: 2017-2022

c. Click:Search

3. From the search results choose a research article of interest. It does not have to support the guidelines.

4. Be sure that the article you choose is a research article. Look for these 5 parts in your research article: Abstract, Introduction, Methods & Procedures, Results, Discussion

E. Save your research article (including the URL address). Print a hard copy to turn in with your assignment.

F. Locatethe Healthy People 2030 objectives.

G. Browse the HP Objectives to identify your Topic Area and objective number from Healthy People 2030 that relates to your topic.

H. Look at links from HP 2030 website to find strategies that are being used to reach Healthy People goals.

I. Use the research article(s) and topic guidelines with the HP 2030 information to answer the 4 questions for the library project assignment. Include a hard copy of the guidelines, research articles and completed assignments along with one grading rubrics for each student in one folder to turn in after your group presentation to the class.

J. Collaborate with group members to present your topic during class discussion.

I. SCOPE of the PROBLEM (provide overview, include prevalence and associated health factors for assigned population).

II. TREATMENT GUIDELINES (summary of recommended screening and treatment strategies) Organization.

III. How does the problem relate to HEALTHY PEOPLE 2030 initiatives?

IV. What local strategies are being used in your community to reach the Healthy People goals related to the problem?

V. Summarize your research article.

VI. Compare your research article with the treatment guidelines (standards of care). Does this research article support the recommended standard of care? Are there differences in findings?

Reference no: EM133522980

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate interventions used to enhance capacities : Evaluate interventions used to enhance capacities and achieve goals with clients - behalf of clients and provide evidence that your selected interventions
Describe the connection between the evidenced based practice : Describe the connection between the evidenced based practice recommendations and Healthy People 2030 initiatives. Explain the local facilities that give care.
Describe the differences between productivity : Describe the differences between productivity and its subcomponents (total measure productivity, partial measure productivity, and multifactor measure
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What are the three dimensions of justice presented : What are the three dimensions of justice presented in the chapter?" And, "How can you engage in actions that support either your role or that of others


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