Describe the conditions and the extent of the health problem

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133555424

Assignment: Defining the Health Problem

Your task is to identify a public health issue in a locale of your choice based on an analysis of public health data for the demographic area. Based on your research, you will conceive of a program at the local hospital, health system, or clinic to improve health outcomes for the population.
Use this project template to complete the requirements of your Capstone Project, detailed as follows:

Question I. Use the data to identify 2 endemic health issues among populations in the county. Your project will focus on only 1 of the issues, but you will need to identify a second issue if your first choice is determined to be unfeasible for this project. Your instructor will assist you in making that determination. Since county-level health data in most states is more detailed than city-level data, it is recommended that you choose a county, rather than a city. You can locate health data from the following sources:

i. County Health Rankings
ii. National Center for Health Statistics
iii. County Health Department websites
iv. State health department

Question II. Describe the conditions and the extent of these health problems and why you feel they warrant a program or service to address their impact on the population. Support the results of your analysis using charts or graphs that include demographic, morbidity, and mortality data.

Question III. Provide and analyze demographic information on the county population including age, gender, income, employment and other relevant information for your program.

Question IV. Summarize the health issue you want to work on and explain your idea for a program to accomplish this objective.

Reference no: EM133555424

Questions Cloud

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Describe the conditions and the extent of the health problem : Describe the conditions and the extent of these health problems and why you feel they warrant a program or service to address their impact on the population.
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