Describe the components of relevant criminological theory

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133618250


Read the following description of the criminal justice program strategy of shock incarceration. Using one (or more) of the criminological theories.

  1. Describe the main components of the relevant criminological theory (ies);
  2. Explain how shock incarceration specifically relates to each of the relevant theories
  3. Offer a summary evaluation plan that includes the operationalized Independent variable, De pendent variable, and a method to soundly demonstrate causation

Shock incarceration, often referred to as 'shock' is a boot-camp, military style prison that focuses on giving the offenders independence and structure as well as promoting responsibility in a learning environment. Shock is very similar to a military boot camp but with a twist. The twist is that the offenders have time for academics and education. Let's take a closer look at an example of a daily regimen in a shock program.

Daily Regimen. The offenders have a strict and rigorous schedule each day. The schedule includes drills, education, networking, counseling, and even time for community service or working on the prison grounds. There are instructional programs that the offenders have to take part of while in shock. What do you think these educational programs include? How about programs that focus on life after shock incarceration. The programs include topics like:

  • Anger management
  • Substance abuse

• Parenting

  • Self-esteem
  • Leisure skills
  • Any area that the offender needs help with
  • Offenders can receive additional educational programs once they are released from the program. This depends on the state or the federal program that the offender is a part of. We can discuss a couple of the different shock programs as a comparison.

The federal shock program started in 1991, and they have 2 different programs. One of the programs is for male inmates and the other program is for female inmates. Only first-time offenders are eligible for the federal program, because the Bureau of Prisons views shock incarceration as a rehabilitation tod for first-timers. The federal program also requires the offenders to be under the age of 35, have no medical restrictions, have a sentence that ranges from 12 to 30 months, and be a minimum security risk. The federal program varies between some state programs.

Reference no: EM133618250

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