Describe the compensation challenge in brief

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Reference no: EM132671675

Question: Compensation Challenge

Another challenge pertains to employee compensations. It has been established that employees are complaining about not being paid enough. Through our investigations, it has been found that some employees are complaining about being underpaid.They believe that since their skills are in great demand, they should, therefore, be paid more. As if that is not enough. It was also found that some small electrical motor technicians have recently resigned to our competitor because they were being offered a better compensation package.

What solution we can recommend out executive to solve this challenge as a human resource manager?

Reference no: EM132671675

Questions Cloud

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Describe the compensation challenge in brief : Another challenge pertains to employee compensations. It has been established that employees are complaining about not being paid enough.
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What solution we can recommend to our executive : Work attitude and Employee Engagement has been negatively affected. This is demonstrated through the fact that employees were found to be burnt out and unhappy.
Identify the types of outcomes you would recommend : Consider this course human resource and development a training program. Identify the types of outcomes you would recommend using in evaluating this course.


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