Describe the coca-cola companys organizational design

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697763


Assignment Overview

This final case involves an analysis of strategy implementation at the Coca-Cola Company. You will use the resources you identified in the SLP to gather information about the company and relate that information to your work in the previous four cases.

Case Assignment

In Module 4, we will conclude the case study process by researching the Coca-Cola Company's strategic controls and their fit with the company's chosen strategy.

Keys to the Assignment

Step One: Review your Case papers from Modules 1-3 so that you are familiar with the mission, vision, SWOT, strategy, and strategic choices you have identified over the course of the class.

Step Two: Research the structure, systems, people, and culture at the Coca-Cola Company. You will not be able to get answers to every single question, but you will need to answer at least one or two for each component.

Step Three: Describe the Coca-Cola Company's organizational design, key strategic control systems (e.g., budgeting and variance analysis systems), primary human resources concerns, and cultural factors, and the effect that these have had on the implementation of the Coca-Cola Company's strategy.

Step Four: In a 6 to 8 page paper, critically evaluate the fit-or the lack of fit-between the company's mission, strategy, and organizational components crucial to implementation. Do these components complement the strategy? Why or why not?

Step Five: Choose three (3) of the thirteen ethical "prescriptions" included in the following article: Next, discuss the extent which the company's sense of business ethics has been embedded within its strategic management process, as evidenced by your chosen three indicators.

Step Six: What changes would you-as the CEO-make to better assure the success of the company's strategy? This is the most important section of the Module 4 Case.

Step Seven: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as the Coca-Cola Company's consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:

Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions and recommendations made in the longer report.

Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.

Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.

Conclusion: Summarize your paper in the light of your thesis statement.

Reference no: EM131697763

Questions Cloud

What is the role of leadership in developing the code : What process should be used to identify the relevant elements to include in the code of conduct?
Draw an NPV profile for the investment : BA 412 Advanced Capital Budgeting. What is the NPV of this investment if the interest rate is 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%? Draw an NPV profile for investment
Estimates the operation of the scottsdale plant : Payback, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Effects of Differences in Sales on Project Viability Shaftel Ready Mix is a processor and supplier.
Evaluate the financial opportunity presented by companies : Evaluate the financial opportunity presented by the companies. If the team was going to lend money to one of the companies reviewed, which one would it be?
Describe the coca-cola companys organizational design : Describe the Coca-Cola Company's organizational design, key strategic control systems,primary human resources concerns.
Drop of water has a volume of approximately : A drop of water has a volume of approximately 0.05ml. How many water molecules does it contain? The density of water is 1.0g/cm3.
Compute the npv of the investment : Compute the NPV of the investment. Compare this with the present value of the profit computed in Requirement 1.
Discuss about the tropicana branding strategy : From the Article take a position on whether Tropicana did or did not make a major mistake in changing it product packaging.
Theoretical yield of carbon dioxide : Liquid hexane CH3CH24CH3 reacts with gaseous oxygen gas O2 to produce gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 and gaseous water H2O.


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