Reference no: EM133828348
Case Scenario:
As the general manager of the Turul Winery, you developed a strategic plan for expansion into domestic and international markets. The owner of the Turul Winery provided feedback on your strategic plan but predominantly agreed with the overall direction you proposed for the business. Now it is time to implement the strategy. Choose either the domestic or international expansion strategy you created, and develop a strategic implementation action plan. Get your assignment done Now!
It will require enthusiastic cooperation and a great deal of work from your staff if you implement a successful strategy. This strategic implementation plan will be addressed to the Turul Winery staff. It must be enthusiastic, concise, and straightforward. However, it must be detailed enough to synergize your team. You will present this strategic implementation plan to the staff of the Turul Winery within one week's time. Use the following criteria to develop your strategic implementation plan with an embedded action plan to direct the staff on how to carry out the work necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the approved strategic plan.
Assignment Part 1 Requirements:
Strategy Implementation Presentation
Design a professional title slide.
Format and build a table of contents.
Use a consistent and professional presentation design throughout the PowerPoint.
Introduction & Scope of Work
Describe the characteristics of a successful strategy implementation.
Explain the format of your strategy implementation action plan.
Present the chosen expansion idea and the strategic goals and objectives.
Present the chosen domestic or international market, including the target marketing details.
Explain the use of incentives and rewards that encourage superior performance in reaching the identified strategic goals and objectives through successful strategic initiatives.
Balanced Scorecard Methodology
Explain how the balanced scorecard methodology will be used as a tool to implement the strategy.
Develop a balanced scorecard strategy map to outline specific details about the strategy as it pertains to the topic of each quadrant.
Provide information in a minimum of three bullet points in each quadrant of the balanced scorecard strategy map.
Strategic Initiatives
Develop measurable strategic initiatives to work toward the achievement of strategic goals and objectives.
Write a broad statement of what is to be accomplished in relation to each identified strategic initiative. Be specific.
Indicate how the accomplishment of each strategic initiative is monitored and measured.
Audience, Reasoning, and Research
The strategy report addresses the staff of the Turul Winery.
Uses reasoning skills to support your statements, ideas, and decisions.
Uses a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
Verbal Narration and Notes
Speaks loudly enough to be heard; varying voice pitch and volume to ensure audience interest and attention.
Pronounces words correctly and enunciates clearly.
Each slide has professionally written notes substantiated with research.
APA Style