Reference no: EM131235482
I need to answer all the questions and provide resources for each question.
Answer each question fully
1. Describe the changes that you believe American colleges and the Universities in Saudi Arabia will need to make over the next 3-7 years to adapt to the following groups in order to be effective in facilitating emotional, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development in students:
Generation Z Millenial Students Millenial Employees Adult Learners (Non-Residential 30-?)
Give reasons/examples for your opinions. Be as specific as possible about the challenges and the changes. Tell me what you predict, why it seems likely and what college administrators need to do to effectively meet the demands of each group (including parents).
2. Discuss the importance of having a basic understanding of student development theories then outline and discuss at least one theory from each of the 5 familes of Student Development Theories. In what ways can Student Development and Higher Education Professionsals utilize Student Development Theories?
The big textbook should be cited and cited and cited for this one as well as class notes and personal experience.
The textbook name (Patton, Lori D., Kristen A. Renn, Florence Guido, and Stephen John Quaye. Student Development in College: Theory, Research and Practice. Third Edition. San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 2016.)
3. Personal Questions to be answered as if you were applying for a job in Higher Education (Be sure to include title of the job and basic job description - your dream job):
a. If people who are supportive of your work and those who are not as supportive of your work were randomly called, what would they be likely to say about your strengths (what would they identify as your strengths) and areas for improvement (where do you need to improve)? (Sell yourself to me - Let me the job for which you are applying?)
b. Describe roles you have had in which you have had to come up with innovative programs/solutions to problems that demonstrate your entrepreneurial spirit. (Use experiences with family and friends or as a student if you lack work experience)
c. What are your experiences and accomplishments in developing, building, and managing cutting-edge, comprehensive learning, personal development, student leadership, and responsible citizenship programs? (Specific examples - clarify the win for each of these-tell how you knew they were effective)
d. What was the biggest failure (not crisis - failure) you've ever experienced? - this can be an activity or some type of job or personal experience... (Why did it fail? What did you learn? Have you attempted something similar since? Why or Why Not? (If so, what was the result?)
4. Provide your personal understanding of why colleges exist and what the "take-aways" should be for graduates. (How should the entire college experience influence students? What should students look like, act, and be after their time in the academy?)
5. In making decisions that impact students what factors (Individuals, processes, etc.)must we consider before implementing our plan. What questions do we need to ask of ourselves and others throughout the decision making process process?
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