Describe the change

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329078

1. You are the vice president of a large corporation. Your analysts provide you with a report that indicates the big change you made recently in the alignment of your sales and service departments is falling short of the expectations. What is an adjustment strategy that may bring this change back to its original objectives? Why might this adjustment strategy be more effective?

2. Identify a company that has recently undergone a significant organizational change. Describe the change. What should this company look for to ensure it can sustain this change? Examples would be: increased sales, lower carbon emissions, lower employer attrition rates, and so forth, depending on what it is trying to change. What should the company do if indicators do not support the changes? (Provide Reference if applicable)

3. Think about a time in your career when your employer, or a company with which you are familiar, implemented an organizational change. This could be anything from a product change, new sales channel, or a new chief executive officer. Now think about how things were 6 months or 1 year later. What information do you think management evaluated to ensure the sustainability of these changes? Did these changes last? Explain your answers.

Reference no: EM1329078

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