Describe the central tendency of the data for the gdp

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM131740366

1. Extract from the given data files the life expectancy and the GDP per capita for all the countries and territories for the year 2015 in your Excel spreadsheet.

2. Describe the central tendency of the data for the GDP/Capita of all countries. Provide numerical summaries and explore if there were any outliers. Discuss your results in a concise manner.

3. Construct a histogram of the GDP/Capita versus the frequency (count of countries). What do you conclude about the shape of the distribution?

4. Group a number of countries together by region. Choose two interesting and contrasting regions of the world. Use the mapping of countries to regions, Summarize and compare the life expectancies your two regions by using Excel's "Analysis Toolpack".

5. Test hypothesis on whether the life expectancies are different in the two regions you selected (at the 5% level of significance). State the appropriate hypotheses, show the test statistic, indicate your P-value for the test. Use appropriate Tables in the textbook or an exact value using Excel software. Hint: you will require to perform a two-sample test.

6. Conclude and interpret your hypothesis testing in the context of the problem. Examine the relationship between the life expectancy and the GDP per capita. Answer the following parts below: (i) Use Regression under Excel's Analysis Toolpack to regress the life expectancy onto the GDP per capita. Construct and interpret the scatterplot for all countries and territories of the world comparing the Life Expectancy with the GDP per capita. (ii) Determine and interpret the slope, the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination between the life expectancy and GDP per capita. (iii) Check the assumptions and necessary conditions for the inferential procedures. Does the linear model describe accurately the relationship between Life expectancy and GDP per capita? Explain your answer appropriately.

7. Report organization, presentation, grammar and APA referencing.

• The report should be within ten pages (excluding the top page, table of content and references).

• Font Arial/Verdana, Size 11, 1.5-spaced.

• Include supplementary work in the appendix.

Reference no: EM131740366

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