Describe the central elements of amazons strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131526298

Assignment : Discussion-Crafting a Strategy to Fit the Business

The Web site Amazon once aimed to be the world's largest bookseller. Now the company offers a wide range of products and services to consumers, operating online retail storefronts for partners and developing and selling its own manufactured products (such as Kindle).

Can a company like have a strong business model but a weak strategy? Using the Internet, find Amazon's most recent annual report and peruse its main sections.

Based on your analysis of the report, respond to the following:

How has the company's strategy changed from the original generic strategy that was applied?

How would you describe the central elements of Amazon's strategy?

In your opinion, what elements are involved in implementing the following business strategies?

A low-cost provider strategy



Market timing

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources., review and comment on at least two peers' responses. Explain what you find to be the most helpful advice and why you would consider it a possible best practice. Amazon. (2012).

Class the easiest way to obtain the company's insight would be to-

1) Go to yahoo finance

2) Type in the name of the company in the box next to the "Look Up"

3) From there go to the link located on the left titled "SEC Filings"

4) Scroll down until you find 10-K and click on the link "Full Filing at Edgar

5) Go to Item 7 on Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Liquidity and Capital Resources

Reference no: EM131526298

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